Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Lead,
and Particulate Matter in the United States
Nonattainment Areas for 8-Hour 2015 Ozone
Nonattainment Areas for 8-Hour 2008 Ozone
Areas with 1-Hour Ozone Standard that were Revoked
Nonattainment Areas for Current
PM10 Standard
Nonattainment Areas for the Current (1997) PM2.5 Standard
Nonattainment Areas for the Current (2006) PM2.5 Standard
Nonattainment Areas for the Current (2012) PM2.5 Standard
Nonattainment Areas for Current 8-Hour
Carbon Monoxide Standard
Nonattainment Areas for Current
Sulfur Dioxide Standard (1971)
Nonattainment Areas for Current
Sulfur Dioxide Standard (2010)
Nonattainment Areas for the Current Lead (2008) Standard
Nonattainment Areas for the Current Lead (1978) Standard
Comparison of PM2.5 Violators for Annual and 24-Hour Standards Based on Annual (2005-2007) and PM2.5 24-Hour (35 ug/m3) Nonattainment Areas (2005-2007)
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for a Daily PM2.5 Standard of 35 ug/m3 (441 Counties) for 2004-2005
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for a Daily PM2.5 Standard of 30 ug/m3 (704 Counties)
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for a Daily PM2.5 Standard of 40 ug/m3 (291 Counties)
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for a Daily PM2.5 Standard of 50 ug/m3 (109 Counties)
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for an Annual PM2.5 Standard of 13 ug/m3
ASL Estimated Nonattainment Areas for an Annual PM2.5 Standard of 14 ug/m3
2000-2002 County Violations of the Annual PM2.5 Standard
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average
Ozone Values for 2001-2003
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2003-2005
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2004-2006
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2005-2007
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2006-2008
Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2007-2009
Comparison of Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2001-2003, 2002-2004, and 2003-2005 Periods
Comparison of Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2001-2003 with 2014-2016
Comparison of Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2003-2005, 2004-2006, and 2005-2007 Periods
Comparison of Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2004-2006, 2005-2007, and 2006-2008 Periods
Comparison of Canadian and U.S. 4th Highest 8-Hour Average Ozone Values for 2005-2007, 2006-2008, and 2007-2009 Periods
Estimated 8-hr Nonattainment Areas for Possible 0.06 and 0.07 ppm Ozone Standards for 2003-2005
8-hr Ozone Violation Counties for 0.060, 0.065, and 0.070 ppm for 2006-2008
W126 Ozone Violation Counties for 7 and 15 ppm-hours for 2006-2008
Estimated Counties that Exceed a W126 Value of 15.0 ppm-hours for 2003- 2005 and Do Not Violate the 0.08 ppm 8-hr Ozone Standard
Example of 24-Hour W126 Ozone Exposures
for April - September 2001
Violating Areas for the Originally Proposed
SUM06 Ozone Secondary Standard for 1993-1995
Possible Violations for the Spatially Averaged PM2.5 15 ug/m3 Annual Standard for 1993-1995
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