Lefohn A. S. and Benedict H. M. (1982)
Development of a mathematical index that describes ozone concentration,
frequency, and duration. Atmospheric Environment. 16:2529-2532.
After carefully reviewing the existing
mathematical approaches that have been utilized for describing
pollutant exposures, the authors have developed a mathematical
parameter which (a) utilizes readily available data, and (b)
provides a description of concentration, frequency, and duration.
The application of the parameter makes possible the utilization
of key monitoring data for establishing (a) ozone trends patterns;
(b) mathematical equations describing health effects; and (c)
mathematical relationships describing crop yield reductions.
Note: This paper may have been the first to propose that the
higher hourly average ozone concentrations should be given greater
weight than the mid- and low-level values when assessing crop
growth reduction. Earlier papers had discussed the possible importance
of the higher concentrations for affecting injury (i.e., spots
on plants) to vegetation. In collaboration with Harris Benedict,
this paper lays out my initial thinking that led to the development
of the mathematical formulation for the W126 cumulative exposure

Lefohn A. S. and Jones C. K. (1986)
The characterization of ozone and sulfur dioxide air quality
data for assessing possible vegetation effects. JAPCA. 36:1123-1129.
Since the 1960s, much effort has been
devoted to collecting and formatting air quality data. This paper
discusses (1) the availability of air quality data for assessing
potential biological impacts associated with ozone and sulfur
dioxide ambient exposures, (2) examples of how air quality data
can be characterized for assessing vegetation effects, and (3)
the limitations associated with some exposure parameters used
for developing relevant vegetation dose-response yield reduction
models. Data are presented showing that some ozone monitoring
sites, not continuously affected by local urban sources, experience
consecutive hourly ozone exposures 0.10 ppm in the late evening
and early morning hours. These sites experience their maximum
ozone concentrations either in the spring or summer months. Sites
influenced by local rural sources experience their maximum ozone
concentrations during the summer months. It is suggested that
further research be performed to identify whether the sensitivity
of a target organism at the time of exposure, as well as the
pollutant concentration and chemical form that enters into the
target organism, is as important in defining effects as air pollutant

Lefohn A. S. and Runeckles V. C. (1987)
Establishing standards to protect vegetation - Ozone exposure/dose
considerations. Atmospheric Environment. 21:561-568.
The establishment of appropriate standards
to protect vegetation requires an understanding of the bridge
between ambient air quality exposure and ultimate response. This
paper discusses the ambient air quality-vegetation response system
and suggests various approaches that could be used to identify
an appropriate and simple ozone standard which could provide
the needed degree of environmental protection. Repeated peak
ozone concentrations appear to be responsible for affecting vegetation.
Plants are sensitive to different hourly mean ozone distribution
patterns, even though the seasonal mean may be the same. The
application at all locations of a long-term ozone standard that
averages hourly concentrations will not protect vegetation from
repeated peaks. In establishing a secondary ozone standard, more
effort should be made to develop a cumulative seasonal ozone
standard that accommodates repeated exposure of vegetation to
peak concentrations. Vegetation effects data derived from experiments
applying ambient ozone exposures or regimes that mimic ambient
conditions should be used as the primary data set to identify
the hourly ozone distribution patterns that elicit adverse vegetation
Note: This paper introduces the concept of the sigmoidally
weighted cumulative exposure index. The actual mathematical formulation
for the index is provided in the Lefohn et al. (1988) paper cited

Lefohn A. S., Laurence J. A. and Kohut
R. J. (1988) A comparison of indices that describe the relationship
between exposure to ozone and reduction in the yield of agricultural
crops. Atmospheric Environment. 22:1229-1240.
The objective of this study is to compare
the use of several indices of exposure in describing the relationship
between O3 and reduction in agricultural crop yield. No attempt
has been made to determine which exposure-response models best
fit the data sets examined. Hourly mean O3 concentration data,
based on 2-3 measurements per hour, were used to develop indices
of exposure from soybean and winter wheat experiments conducted
in open-top chambers at the Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca,
New York NCLAN field site. The comparative efficacy of cumulative
indices (i.e., number of occurrences equal to or above specific
hourly mean concentrations, sum of all hourly mean concentrations
equal to or above a selected level, and the weighted sum of all
hourly mean concentrations) and means calculated over an experimental
period to describe the relationship between exposure to O3 and
reductions in the yield of agricultural crops was evaluated.
None of the exposure indices consistently provided a best fit
with the Weibull and linear models tested. The selection of the
model appears to be important in determining the indices that
best describe the relationship between exposure and response.
The focus of selecting a model should be on fitting the data
points as well as on adequately describing biological responses.
The investigator should be careful to couple the model with data
points derived from indices relevant to the length of exposure.
While we have used a small number of data sets, our analysis
indicates that exposure indices that weight peak concentrations
differently than lower concentrations of an exposure regime can
be used in the development of exposure-response functions. Because
such indices may have merit from a regulatory perspective, we
recommend that additional data sets be used in further analyses
to explore the biological rationale for various indices of exposure
and their use in exposure-response functions.
Note: This paper describes the mathematical formulation of
the sigmoidally weighted cumulative exposure index, W126, and
was the first paper to quantitatively show why the use of the
7-h seasonal mean was not an appropriate index to use as a standard
to protect vegetation.

Lefohn A. S., Runeckles V. C., Krupa
S. V. and Shadwick D. S. (1989) Important considerations for
establishing a secondary ozone standard to protect vegetation.
JAPCA. 39:1039-1045.
Air quality standards are established
to prevent or minimize the risk of adverse effects from air pollution
to human health, vegetation, and materials. In order to develop
standards which provide an adequate measure of protection to
vegetation, it is necessary to define, in as precise terms as
possible, the relationship between ambient air quality and the
potential for adverse effects on vegetation. Based on recent
evidence published in the literature, as well as retrospective
studies using data from the National Crop Loss Assessment Network
(NCLAN), cumulative indices can be used to describe exposures
of ozone for predicting agricultural crop effects. However, the
mathematical form of the standard that may be proposed to protect
crops does not necessarily have to be of the same form as that
used in the statistical or process oriented mathematical models
that relate ambient ozone exposures with vegetation effects.
This paper discusses the limitations associated with applying
a simple statistic that may take the place of a more biologically-meaningful
exposure parameter. While the NCLAN data have been helpful in
identifying indices that may be appropriate for establishing
exposure-response relationships, the limitations associated with
the NCLAN protocol need to be considered when attempting to apply
these relationships in the establishment of a secondary national
ambient air quality standard. The Weibull model derived from
NCLAN experiments must demonstrate its generality and universal
applicability. Furthermore, its predictive power must be tested
using independent sets of field data.

Lefohn A. S., Shadwick D. S. and Mohnen
V. A. (1990) The characterization of ozone concentrations at
a select set of high-elevation sites in the eastern United States.
Environ. Pollut. 67:147-178.
Hourly averaged data for ozone collected
in 1986 and 1987 were analyzed and characterized for a select
set of high-elevation sites in the eastern United States. Pressure-corrected
adjustments may be necessary when comparing ozone concentrations
measured at two different elevations. When unadjusted concentrations
(i.e., in units of parts per million) were used, the Whiteface
Mountain sites showed what appeared to be an ozone elevational
gradient. A gradient was not observed for the two MCCP Shenandoah
National Park sites (SH1 and SH2). When adjusted ozone values
(i.e., in units of micrograms per cubic meter) were used, the
elevational gradient reported for Whiteface Mountain was no longer
observed. When unadjusted concentrations were used, in most cases,
the high-elevation sites appeared to be receiving greater ozone
exposure than the nearby, lower elevation sites. When adjusted
ozone values were used, a consistent conclusion was not evident.
On a regional basis for the period May through September 1987,
when unadjusted concentrations were used, the high-elevation
sites in the South appeared to experience higher cumulative ozone
exposures than sites in the North. When adjusted ozone values
were used, the geographic gradient was not strong. Assuming that
target sensitivity remains nearly constant as elevation changes,
adjusted concentrations should be taken into consideration when
evaluating the relationship between ozone exposures at high-elevation
sites and biological effects.

Lefohn A. S., Krupa S. V. and Winstanley
D. (1990) Surface ozone exposure measured at clean locations
around the world. Environ. Pollut. 63:189-224.
For assessing the effects of air pollution
on vegetation, some researchers have used control chambers as
the basis of comparison between crops and trees grown in contemporary
polluted rural locations and those grown in a clean environment.
There has been some concern whether the arbitrary ozone level
of 0.025 ppm and below often used in charcoal-filtration chambers
to simulate the natural background concentration of ozone is
appropriate. Because of the many complex and man-made factors
that influence ozone levels, it is difficult to determine natural
background. To identify a range of ozone exposures that occur
at "clean" sites, we have calculated ozone exposures
observed at a number of "clean" monitoring sites located
in the United States and Canada. We do not claim that these sites
are totally free from human influence, but rather that the ozone
concentrations observed at these "clean" sites may
be appropriate to use by vegetation researchers in control chambers
as pragmatic and defensible surrogates for natural background.
For comparison, we have also calculated ozone exposures observed
at 4 "clean" remote sites in the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres and at two remote sites (Whiteface Mountain, NY and
Hohenpeissenberg, FRG) that are considered to be more polluted.
Exposure indices relevant for describing the relationship between
ozone and vegetation effects were applied. For studying the effects
of ozone on vegetation, the higher concentrations are of interest.
For the four exposure indices used, the sigmoidally-weighted
index appeared to best separate those sites that experienced
frequent high concentration exposures from those that experienced
few high concentrations. Although there was a consistent seasonal
pattern for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) Geophysical Monitoring for Climate Change (GMCC) sites
indicating a Winter/Spring maximum, this was not the case for
the other remote sites. Some sites in the continental United
States and southern Canada experienced ozone exposures in the
range between those values experienced at the South Pole and
Mauna Loa NOAA GMCC sites. The 7-month average of the daily 7-h
average ozone concentration at "clean" sites located
in the continental United States and southern Canada ranged from
0.028 to 0.050 ppm. Our analysis indicates that seasonal 7-h
average values of 0.025 ppm and below, used by some vegetation
researchers as a reference point, may be too low and that estimates
of crop losses and tree damage in many locations may have been
too high. Our analysis indicates that a more appropriate reference
point in North America might be between 0.030 and 0.045 ppm.
We have observed that the subtle effects of changing distribution
patterns of hourly average ozone concentrations may be obscured
with the use of exposure indices such as the monthly average.
Future assessments of the effects associated with ground-level
ozone should involve the use of exposure indices sensitive to
changes in the distribution patterns of hourly average ozone

Lefohn A. S., Shadwick D. S., Feister
U. and Mohnen V. A. (1992) Surface-level ozone: Climate change
and evidence for trends. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 42(2):136-144.
As a result of emissions of hydrocarbons,
carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides from combustion processes,
recent investigations indicate that the concentration of ozone
in the Earth's atmosphere may be changing. Because ozone acts
as a greenhouse gas, an increase in ozone concentration in the
free troposphere may have climatic consequences. In the planetary
boundary layer, increases in surface ozone may affect human health,
the ecosystem, and the atmospheric chemical system. Using surface
ozone measurements, this paper reviews the literature concerning
(1) increases in baseline surface ozone concentrations from the
mid-1800s to the present and (2) trends in ozone concentrations
measured at the surface. The monthly average ozone concentrations
measured at surface level in the last half of the nineteenth
century appear to be lower than those currently measured at many
rural locations in the world. The evidence is not conclusive
that the surface ozone concentrations currently monitored at
"clean" rural locations are approximately double those
measured in the last half of the nineteenth century in Europe
or North America. Although results for the past 10 to 25 years
suggest that surface ozone levels in Europe may be rising, the
evidence for increasing trends in surface ozone is not consistent
among monitoring sites. The identification of trends is often
a function of the period selected for analysis. A review of the
limited number of available longer records from either Europe
or North America suggests that it is difficult to detect any
trends on a region-wide basis. For assessing trends in surface
ozone concentrations, it is important that world-wide monitoring
at remote locations be continued and expanded so that an adequate
database becomes available.

Lefohn A. S. and Foley J. K. (1992)
NCLAN results and their application to the standard-setting process:
Protecting vegetation from surface ozone exposures. J. Air Waste
Manag. Assoc. 42:1046-1052.
The current form of the standard is
not appropriate for protecting vegetation from O3 exposures.
As an alternative to the current form of the standard, it has
been suggested in the literature that a maximum cumulative 3-month
SUM06 O3 exposure index be used as the form of a secondary standard
to protect agricultural crops. However, applying this index may
result in inconsistent protection for vegetation. It appears
that cumulative indices will have to be combined with other parameters
to accurately quantify the occurrence of high hourly average
concentrations. This paper describes the characterization of
the hourly O3 exposures in selected National Crop Loss Assessment
Network (NCLAN) experiments and discusses the application of
the results to the standard-setting process. Our results indicated
that, in most cases, the NCLAN experimental data we analyzed
appeared to support the observation that the repeated occurrences
of hourly average O3 concentrations of 0.10 ppm and higher result
in adverse effects on vegetation. For the NCLAN experiments,
the characterized distributions reflected the ability of the
high hourly average concentrations to affect crop yield reduction.
Prior to suggesting a new form of the secondary standard, it
will be important to carefully characterize the specific regimes
responsible for affecting vegetation and identify the important
components of those regimes responsible for the effects. By applying
this approach, it should be possible to limit the occurrence
of inconsistent results when applying a new form of the secondary
Note: This paper introduced the concept that the N100 (i.e.,
number of hourly average concentrations greater than or equal
to 100 ppb) exposure index was required to improve the predictability
of the cumulative exposure indices.

Lefohn, A.S. (ed.) (1992) Surface-level
Ozone Exposures and Their Effects on Vegetation. Published by
Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI. 366 pp.
Chapters include Introduction, Tropospheric
Ozone: Formation and Fate, The Characterization of Ambient Ozone
Exposures, Experimental Methodology for Studying the Effects
of Ozone on Crops and Trees, Uptake of Ozone by Vegetation, Crop
Responses to Ozone, Tree Responses to Ozone, and Ozone Standards
and Their Relevance for Protecting Vegetation. Great book for
graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The chapters are
authored by leading authorities on the subject. The chapters
are written for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and
others who are interested in this very important scientific field.
Note: Although the book was published in the early 1990s,
I believe much of the information is still relevant for assessing
the effects of ozone on vegetation.

Lefohn A. S. and Foley J. K. (1993)
Establishing ozone standards to protect human health and vegetation:
Exposure/dose-response considerations. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc.
For assessing the efficacy of a specific
form of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for O3, those
exposure patterns that result in vegetation and human health
effects must be identified. For vegetation, it has been found
that the higher hourly average concentrations should be weighted
more than the lower concentrations. Controlled human exposure
work supports the suggestion that concentration may be more important
than exposure duration and ventilation rates. It has been indicated
in the literature that the current form of the federal O3 standard
may not be appropriate for protecting vegetation and human health
from O3 exposures. The proposed use of the cumulative index alone
as a form of the standard may not provide sufficient protection
to vegetation. An extended-period average index, such as a daily
maximum 8-hour average concentration, may not be appropriate
to protect human health because of the reduced ability to observe
differences among hourly O3 concentrations exhibited within exposure
regimes. For both vegetation and human health effects research,
additional experimentation is required to identify differences
in responses that occur when ambient-type exposure regimes are
applied. Any standard promulgated to protect vegetation and human
health from O3 exposures should consider combining cumulative
exposure indices with other parameters so that those unique exposures
that have the potential for eliciting an adverse effect can be
adequately described.
Note: The paper discusses the importance
of the higher hourly average concentrations for both human health
and vegetation. In addition, it describes the patterns of typical
ambient concentration exposure and the fact that "square-wave"
exposures are not frequently observed. Most of the controlled
human health laboratory experiments have applied constant concentration
(i.e., square-wave) exposures.

Lefohn A. S., Foley J. K., Shadwick
D. S. and Tilton B. E. (1993) Changes in diurnal patterns related
to changes in ozone levels. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 43:1472-1478.
Ozone is a ubiquitous air pollutant
that affects both human health and vegetation. There is concern
over the number of hours human populations are exposed, in nonattainment
areas in the United States, to levels of O3 at which effects
have been observed. As improvement in air quality is achieved,
it is possible that O3 control strategies may produce distributions
of 1-h O3 concentrations that result in different diurnal profiles
that produce greater potential exposures to O3 at known effects
levels for multiple hours of the day. These concerns have prompted
new analysis of aerometric data. In this analysis, the change
in the seasonally averaged diurnal pattern was investigated as
changes in O3 levels occurred. For the data used in this analysis,
25 of the 36 sites that changed compliance status across years
showed no statistically significant change in the shape of the
average diurnal profile (averaged by O3 season). For 71% (10
out of 14) of the sites in southern California and Dallas-Fort
Worth, Texas, that showed improvement in O3 levels (i.e., reductions
in the number of exceedances over the years), but still remained
in "nonattainment," a statistically significant change
in the shape of the seasonally averaged diurnal profile occurred.
Based on the results obtained in this study, the evaluation of
diurnal patterns may be useful for identifying the influence
of changes in emission levels versus meteorological variation
on attainment status. Using data from the southern California
and Dallas-Fort Worth sites, which showed improvements in O3
levels, changes were observed in the seasonally averaged diurnal
profiles. On the other hand, for the sites moving between "attainment"
and "nonattainment" status, such a change in shape
was generally not observed and it was possible that meteorology
played a more important role than changes in emission levels
relative to attainment status.

Musselman R. C., McCool P. M. and Lefohn
A. S. (1994) Ozone descriptors for an air quality standard to
protect vegetation. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 44:1383-1390.
Exposure of plants to ozone (O3) causes
injury and reduced growth. Describing the form and function of
the O3 exposure in relation to plant response is important in
the regulatory process. Research has shown that plants show greater
response to O3 as concentration is increases. The duration of
the O3 exposure is also important in the ability of vegetation
to maintain O3 repair mechanisms. The O3 entering the leaf is
important in plant response, thus O3 fluxes aery more important
than ambient concentrations. However, at this time an air quality
standard useful for the regulatory process should be based on
ambient O3 exposures. The selection of O3 exposure descriptors
should incorporate factors pertinent to plant response. Research
suggests that exposure descriptors which give greater weight
to peak concentrations, and those which account for cumulative
exposure, show the closest relationship to plant response. Ozone
exposure summaries using concentration averages do not adequately
relate land response with ambient exposures. Although the use
of cumulative exposure indices may be preferable to seasonal
means, it appears that the use of a single-parameter exposure
index will not guarantee that the most important components of
exposure have been captured. An appropriate alternative approach
might use a combination of indices, such as a cumulative index
and the number of hourly average concentrations above a threshold.

Lefohn A. S. and Manning W. J. (1995)
Ozone exposures near wilderness areas in northern New England.
Atmospheric Environment. 29:601-606.
Ozone (O3) is known to cause characteristic
injury symptoms on a wide variety of plant species. In response
to concern by Federal land managers, a comprehensive program
was initiated in 1988 to assess the effects of O3 on vegetation
in two Class I Wilderness areas in north central New Hampshire
and one Class I Wilderness area in southern Vermont. To better
quantify the possible risk associated with O3 exposures affecting
vegetation in these Wilderness areas, hourly average O3 concentration
data were characterized, using biologically based exposure indicators
for a site located at Mt. Equinox, Vermont (549ma) and a site
at Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (457ma). Mt. Equinox experienced
more of a flat diurnal pattern than the Mt. Washington site.
The higher amplitude for the Mt. Equinox diurnal patterns in
comparison to the Mt. Washington site was indicative of the occurrence
of higher hourly average concentrations, as well as the infrequent
occurrence of hourly average concentrations below 20 pp b. The
Mt. Equinox site experienced more occurrences of hourly average
concentrations 80 and 100 ppb than the Mt. Washington site. Similarly,
the SUM60 and W126 integrated exposure values for Mt. Equinox
were greater than the values experienced at Mt. Washington. The
lower elevation Mt. Washington site experienced a greater percentage
of its O3 exposure during the daylight hours (0700-1859ha) than
the Mt. Equinox site.

Altshuller A. P. and Lefohn A. S. (1996)
Background ozone in the planetary boundary layer over the United
States. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 46:134-141.
Reliable estimates of background O3
in the planetary boundary layer are needed as part of the current
review by the U.S. EPA of O3 health and welfare criteria and
of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for O3. Such estimates
are especially necessary for comparing O3 concentrations at which
vegetation effects occur to O3 concentrations reported to represent
background levels. Some vegetation researchers have used the
seasonal average of the daily 7-h (0900-1559h) average as the
exposure parameter in exposure-response models. The 7-h (0900-1559h)
seasonal mean reference point for O3 was assumed to be 0.025
ppm. Ozone aerometric data are presented from the monitoring
sites in the United States which experience some of the lowest
maximum hourly average concentrations, as identified in the U.S.
EPA AIRS database. Criteria are enumerated and discussed for
determining whether O3 concentrations at a given site can be
considered to be "background" O3. Using several techniques,the
current O3 background at inland sites in the United States and
Canada for the daylight 7-h (0900-1559h) seasonal (April-October)
average concentrations usually occurred within the range of 35
plus or minus 10 ppb. For coastal sites, the corresponding O3
concentrations are somewhat lower, occurring within the range
of 25 plus or minus 10 ppb for locations in the northern hemisphere,
but with most O3 concentrations at the coastal sites in the range
of 30 plus or minus 5 ppb. These ranges suggest that the background
O3 is somewhat dependent on a number of conditions such as the
nature of upwind flow, lack of pollution sources, and terrain
conditions including deposition with respect to forest or agricultural
Note: The authors are discussing the range of 7-hour seasonal
average concentration values and the range for hourly average
concentrations values would be higher.

Lefohn A. S., Jackson W., Shadwick
D. S. and Knudsen H. P. (1997) Effect of Surface Ozone Exposures
on Vegetation Grown in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: Identification
of Possible Areas of Concern. Atmospheric Environment. 31(11):1695-1708.
The results described in this paper
are derived from an analysis, for the 8-year period 1983-1990,
that combined experimental exposure-response effects data for
deciduous and coniferous seedlings and/or trees with characterized
O3 ambient exposure data for a local area and soil moisture to
identify areas that may be at risk in the Southern Appalachian
Mountains. Results from seedling and tree experiments operated
in open-top chambers were used to characterize O3 exposure regimes
that resulted in growth loss under controlled conditions. Available
O3 monitoring data were characterized for the states of Alabama,
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Tennessee,
Kentucky, and Virginia, using the W126 biologically based cumulative
exposure index. As a part of the analysis, both the occurrences
of hourly average O3 concentrations 0.10 ppm and the soil moisture
conditions in the geographic area were considered. Combining
exposure information with moisture availability and experimental
exposure-response data, the extreme northern and southern portions
of the Southern Appalachian area were identified as having the
greatest potential for possible vegetation effects. The study
was based mostly on results from individual tree seedlings grown
in chambers and pots and additional research is needed to identify
what differences in effects might be observed if exposures were
similar to those experienced in forests. Furthermore, we recommend
future investigations to verify the location and presence of
specific vegetation species and amounts and whether actual growth
losses occurred in those areas of concern that have been identified
in this study.
Note: This paper applied the W126 cumulative exposure index
coupled with the N100 index and a soil moisture index to predict
vegetation effects. Recent work using
actual field data published by Davis and Orendovici (2006) confirmed
a statistically significant relationship using the combination
of the W126 and N100 indices and the following parameters: plant
species, Palmer Drought Severity Index, and the interaction of
the W126 exposure index and the N100 index.

Lefohn A.S. (1997) Science, Uncertainty,
and EPA's New Ozone Standards. Environmental Science & Technology.
Although the EPA devoted considerable
time and effort to reviewing and summarizing the relevant science
concerning human health effects and vegetation in the peer-reviewed
literature, there are still areas of uncertainty associated with
the data that form the scientific basis of the recommendations
for both standards. These uncertainties have ramifications for
human health and vegetation, and may influence whether geographic
areas reach attainment. The paper addresses the following: (1)
How closely did the controlled human health experiments performed
in the laboratory mimic exposures experienced in the real world?
(2) Can the human health standard be attained? (3) What is the
realistic range of natural background O3 concentrations that
occur under ambient conditions? (4) Did the EPA overestimate
its human health risk assessment by using too low a value for
natural background? (5) How closely did the controlled vegetation
experiments mimic exposures experienced in the real world? (6)
Is the form of the proposed secondary standard adequate? (7)
Is there an alternative form of the secondary standard that would
be more appropriate? and (8) In which directions should future
human health and vegetation research be focused?

Lefohn A. S. (1997) A New Ozone Standard
in the United States. Atmospheric Environment. 31(22):3851-3852.
For surface ozone, EPA will be phasing
out and replacing the 1-hour primary standard (maximum hourly
average of 0.12 ppm) with a new 8-hour standard, assessed over
rolling 3-year periods, designed to protect against longer exposure
periods. Determination of whether violations of the new standard
have occurred will be a much more complex affair than before.
The 4th highest 8-hour average daily maximum concentration will
be calculated for each year and averaged across an annually-rolling
3-year period, then rounded to the nearest 0.01 ppm. If this
value exceeds 0.08 ppm, then it is deemed to be in violation
of both the new 'primary' (protection of public health) and 'secondary'
(protection of vegetation) standards. Because background ozone
levels are closer to 0.06 ppm than 0.04 ppm, the 'law of diminishing
returns' dictates that it will be much more difficult to achieve
the legal limit of 0.08 ppm than EPA predicts. Results from our
most recent analyses indicated that, while it may prove relatively
'easy' to reduce the very highest ozone concentrations, reductions
at the 0.08 ppm level will continue to be much harder to achieve.
The empirical evidence suggests for most sites that presently
violate the 8-hour ozone standard, attainment of the new standard
may prove elusive.
Note: The author is concerned, based on empirical evidence,
that areas that "appear" to achieve attainment under
cool, wet meteorological conditions will "fall out"
of attainment during hot, dry meteorological conditions. In other
words, the attainment status for many areas will not remain stable.

Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Scheel
H. E., Harris J. M., Levy H. II, Galbally I. E. , Brunke E. G.,
Meyer C. P., Lathrop J. A., Johnson B. J., Shadwick D. S., Cuevas
E., Schmidlin F.J ., Tarasick D. W., Claude H., Kerr J. B., Uchino
O., and Mohnen V. (1998) Trends of Ozone in the Troposphere.
Geophysical Research Letters. 25:139-142.
For many years, researchers have believed
that surface ozone was increasing everywhere at a specific percent
per year. Using a set of selected surface ozone (nine stations)
and ozone vertical profile measurements (from six stations),
we have documented changes in tropospheric ozone at a number
of locations. For example, at two stations in Europe, ozone amounts
increased rapidly into the middle 1980s, but have increased less
rapidly (or in some places not at all) since then.

Lefohn A. S., Shadwick D. S. and Ziman
S. D. (1998) The Difficult Challenge of Attaining EPA's New Ozone
Standard. Environmental Science & Technology. 32(11):276A-282A.
Using information from the EPA's air
quality database, our research indicates that, for the period
1993-1995, more than 50% of the areas that would violate the
new 8-hour ozone standard were influenced by mid-level hourly
average concentrations (i.e., 0.06-0.09 ppm). Using data from
monitoring sites that experienced statistically significant declines
in ozone levels, our analysis indicates that there was less reduction
of the hourly average concentrations in the mid-level than of
hourly average concentrations above 0.09 ppm. Similar results
were obtained when the 8-hour daily maximum values in the mid-level
region were compared with the higher 8-hour values. A preliminary
evaluation of the data indicates that the slowing of mid-level
concentration reductions in comparison with the rate of decline
of the higher values appears to be independent of both VOC and
NOx reductions. Our analysis indicates that as control strategies
are implemented, those violating sites that experience high daily
maximum 8-hour average concentrations will realize faster declines
than those violating sites that experience daily maximum 8-hour
average concentrations above, but near the 8-hour 0.08 ppm standard.
For most sites that violate the new 8-hour primary standard,
attainment of the new 8-hour standard may be difficult, and in
some cases, impractical, to achieve.
Note: The authors are concerned, based on empirical evidence,
that areas that "appear" to achieve attainment under
cool, wet meteorological conditions will "fall out"
of attainment during hot, dry meteorological conditions. In other
words, the attainment status for many areas will not remain stable.
In addition, the authors describe the compression of the distribution
of hourly average concentrations as emission reductions occur
with the high concentrations shifting downward and the lower
values shifting upward toward the mid-concentrations. This results
in the observed "piston effect" described in the paper.

Lefohn A. S., Husar J. D., and Husar
R. B. (1999) Estimating Historical Anthropogenic Global Sulfur
Emission Patterns for the Period 1850-1990. Atmospheric Environment.
It is important to establish a reliable
regional emission inventory of sulfur as a function of time when
assessing the possible effects of global change and acid rain.
The paper describes the development of a database of annual estimates
of national sulfur emissions from 1850 to 1990. A common methodology
was applied across all years and countries allowing for global
totals to be produced by adding estimates from all countries.
The emission estimates were based on net production (i.e., production
plus imports minus exports), sulfur content, and sulfur retention
for each country's production activities. Fine temporal resolution
clearly shows emission changes associated with specific historical
events (e.g., wars, depressions, etc.) on a regional, national,
or global basis. The spatial pattern of emissions shows that
the US, the USSR, and China were the main sulfur emitters (i.e.,
approximately 50% of the total) in the world in 1990. The USSR
and the US appear to have stabilized their sulfur emissions over
the past 20 years, and the recent increases in global sulfur
emissions are linked to the rapid increases in emissions from
China. Sulfur emissions have been reduced in some cases by switching
from high- to low-sulfur coals. Flue gas desulfurization (FGD)
has apparently made important contributions to emission reductions
in only a few countries, such as Germany.

Lefohn A. S. (2000) Developing Realistic
Air Pollution Exposure/Dose Criteria for Ecological Risk Assessments.
In: Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Health. K. Scow, G. Fogg,
D. Hinton, M. Johnson, (eds.). Published by Lewis Publishers,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 307-320.
There is a need for flexible problem-solving
approaches that can link ecological measurements and data with
the decision-making needs of environmental managers. Increasingly,
ecological risk assessment is being suggested as a way to address
this wide array of ecological problems. This paper discusses
the ambient exposure characterization component associated with
the analysis phase of risk assessment methodology. Using surface
ozone (O3) as an example, specific guidance is provided on future
research directions that are needed to assist scientists and
policymakers in improving the quality of data that are available
for quantifying this phase of the risk analysis.

Massman W. J., Musselman R. C., and
Lefohn A. S. (2000) A Conceptual Ozone Dose-Response Model to
Develop a Standard to Protect Vegetation. Atmospheric Environment.
In this paper, we use physical reasoning
based on (i) plant defenses and (ii) general resistance concepts
of dry deposition to derive a suggested general form of a dose-base
standard. The dose-based standard is then related to the more
traditional exposure-based standard.
Note: The authors stress the importance of detoxification
processes and that flux-based models that ignore plant detoxification
processes will overestimate plant effects.

Lefohn A. S. and D. S. Shadwick. (2000)
Differences in Trending Estimates in the United States Using
Several Ozone Metrics. Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting
of the Air & Waste Management Association, Salt Lake City,
Utah. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
For assessing changes over time for
ozone exposure in the United States, we compared the 1-hour and
two 8-hour metrics (2nd highest and 4th highest daily maximum
values averaged over 3 years) for two periods (1980-1997 and
1988-1997). In addition, to explore changes in the distribution
frequency of hourly average concentrations, we compared the 1-hour
and 8-hour metrics with the W126 exposure index, a metric that
is sensitive to the distribution of mid- and high-level hourly
average concentrations. When strong trending did not occur, considerable
variation of agreement occurred among the metrics.

Lefohn A.
S., Oltmans S. J. , Dann T. , and Singh H. B. (2001) Present-day
variability of background ozone in the lower troposphere. J.
Geophys. Res., 106 (D9):9945-9958.
There is a substantial background of
ozone present in the lower troposphere in the Northern Hemisphere
that has both a stratospheric and photochemical tropospheric
origin. Levels of hourly averaged ozone concentrations in the
range 0.04 - 0.08 ppm are often measured as part of the "background
ozone" burden. Stratospheric processes play a significant
role in defining these background ozone concentrations. In order
to better understand the frequency, spatial, and temporal characteristics
of this background ozone burden, we have analyzed hourly average
ozone concentrations greater than or equal to 0.05 and 0.06 ppm
that were experienced during the photochemically quiescent months
in the winter and spring at several rural sites across southern
Canada, the northern United States, and northern Europe. Our
results were mostly consistent and indicated that hourly average
ozone concentrations greater than or equal to 0.05 and 0.06 ppm
occur frequently during the winter and spring months. Most occurrences
were during April and May but sometimes as late as June. In some,
but not all, of the cases that were studied, a plausible explanation
for the higher ozone values was the presence of upper tropospheric
and stratospheric air that was transported down to the surface.
Note: This paper describes the importance of stratospheric
processes and how they play an important role during the springtime
at many monitoring sites located at both high and low elevations.
Emprical data have been published over the years documenting
the importance of the stratosphere in affecting surface ozone
levels. Although models have been exercised challenging the importance
of the stratosphere in affecting surface ozone levels, empirical
data collected at background monitoring sites in North America
confirm the importance of stratospheric processes.

Pinto J. P., Lefohn A. S. , and Shadwick
D. S. (2004) Spatial variability of PM2.5 in urban areas in the
United States. J. Air & Waste Management Association. 54:440-449
Epidemiologic time-series studies typically
use either daily 24-hour PM concentrations averaged across several
monitors in a city or data obtained at a 'central monitoring
site' to relate to human health effects. If 24-hour average concentrations
differ substantially across an urban area, exposure misclassification
could be an important consideration when a limited number of
ambient PM monitors are used to represent population-average
ambient exposures. Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) database for 1999
and 2000, the spatial variability of PM2.5 concentrations in
27 urban areas across the United States was characterized. We
observed that the PM2.5 concentrations varied to differing degrees
in the urban areas examined. Even within urban areas in which
all site pairs were highly correlated, a variable degree of heterogeneity
in PM2.5 concentrations was found. Our findings indicate that
the potential for exposure misclassification errors in time-series
epidemiologic studies exists. Exposure misclassification errors
resulting from the neglect of spatial variability may contribute
to uncertainties in the relative risk estimates resulting from
epidemiologic investigations. In future epidemiologic studies,
it is important that the spatial variation in ambient PM2.5 concentrations
within a study area be taken into consideration so as to reduce
some sources of exposure misclassification.

Cooper O. R., Stohl A., Hübler
G., Hsie E.Y., Parrish D. D., Tuck A. F., Kiladis G. N., Oltmans
S. J., Johnson B. J., Shapiro M., Moody J. L., and Lefohn A.
S. (2005) Direct transport of mid-latitude stratospheric ozone
into the lower troposphere and marine boundary layer of the tropical
Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23310, doi:10.1029/2005JD005783.
The detailed survey of mid-latitude stratospheric intrusions
penetrating into the northern hemisphere tropics was one goal
of the Pacific Sub-Tropical Jet Study 2004, conducted from Honolulu,
Hawaii during Jan. 19-29 and Feb. 28 - Mar. 15. Using the NOAA
GIV jet aircraft, instrumented with dropsondes and a 1-second
resolution ozone instrument, we targeted an intrusion above Hawaii
on February 29. The data describe the strongest tropospheric
ozone enhancements ever measured above Hawaii (in comparison
to a 22 year ozonesonde record) and illustrate the mixing of
stratospheric ozone into the mid-troposphere as a result of convection
triggered by the advection of relatively cold mid-latitude air
into the tropics. Measurements from the GIV and Mauna Loa Observatory
(3.4 km) show enhanced ozone in the lower troposphere indicating
the remnants of the intrusion reached these levels. This conclusion
is supported by a study using a stratospheric ozone tracer generated
by the FLEXPART Lagrangian particle dispersion model. This paper
also describes a similar intrusion that enhanced ozone at Mauna
Loa on March 10, as well as Honolulu, which is located in the
marine boundary layer. GIV flights in and out of Honolulu measured
enhanced ozone associated with this event on several occasions.
The Mar. 10 event transported an estimated 1.75 Tg of ozone into
the tropical troposphere and we suggest that stratospheric intrusions
that break away from the polar jet stream as they advect into
the tropics are more effective at transporting ozone into the
troposphere than intrusions that remain close to the polar jet
stream in mid-latitudes. Analysis of the dynamic conditions indicates
the frequency of stratospheric intrusions was not anomalous during
Jan.-Mar. 2004. While the March 10 event was by itself an extreme
event, strong stratospheric intrusions can be expected to influence
the tropical lower troposphere in any year.

Musselman R. C., Lefohn A. S., Massman
W. J., and Heath, R. L. (2006) A critical review and analysis
of the use of exposure- and flux-based ozone indices for predicting
vegetation effects. Atmospheric Environment. 40:1869-1888.
Early studies of plant response to ozone
(O3) utilized concentration-based metrics, primarily by summarizing
the commonly monitored hourly average datasets. Research with
the O3 concentration parameter led to the recognition that both
peak concentrations and cumulative effects are important when
relating plant response to O3. The US and Canada currently use
O3 concentration-based (exposure-based) parameters for ambient
air quality standards for protecting vegetation; the European
countries use exposure-based critical levels to relate O3 to
vegetation response. Because plant response is thought to be
more closely related to O3 absorbed into leaf tissue, recent
research has been focused on flux-based O3 parameters. Even though
flux-based indices may appear to be more biologically relevant
than concentration-based indices, there are limitations associated
with their use. The current set of flux-based indices assumes
that the plant has no defense mechanism to detoxify O3. This
is a serious limitation. In this paper, we review the literature
on exposure- and flux-based indices for predicting plant response.
Both exposure- and flux-based metrics may overestimate plant
response. At this time, flux-based models that take into consideration
detoxification mechanisms (referred to as effective flux)
provide the best approach to relate O3 to plant response. However,
because there is considerable uncertainty in quantifying the
various defense mechanisms, effective flux at this time is difficult
to quantify. Without adequate effective-flux based models, exposure-based
O3 metrics appear to be the only practical measure for use in
relating ambient air quality standards to vegetation response.
Note: This paper is a critical review of the science dealing
with the development and application of exposure- and flux-based
models in predicting vegetation effects. The work was derived
from the authors' participation in the writing of several of
the vegetation sections in the EPA's Ozone Criteria Document
that was published in 2006.

Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Harris
J. M., Galbally I., Scheel H. E., Bodeker G., Brunke E., Claude
H., Tarasick D., Johnson B.J., Simmonds P., Shadwick D., Anlauf
K., Hayden K., Schmidlin F., Fujimoto T., Akagi K., Meyer C.,
Nichol S., Davies J., Redondas A., and Cuevas E. (2006) Long-term
changes in tropospheric ozone. Atmospheric Environment. 40:3156-3173.
Tropospheric ozone changes are investigated using a selected
network of surface and ozonesonde sites to give a broad geographic
picture of long-term variations. The picture of long-term tropospheric
ozone changes is a varied one in terms of both the sign and magnitude
of trends and in the possible causes for the changes. At mid
latitudes of the S.H. three time series of 20 years in length
agree in showing increases that are strongest in the austral
spring (AugustOctober). Profile measurements show this
increase extending through the mid troposphere but not into the
highest levels of the troposphere. In the N.H. in the Arctic
a period of declining ozone in the troposphere through the 1980s
into the mid-1990s has reversed and the overall change is small.
The decadal-scale variations in the troposphere in this region
are related in part to changes in the lowermost stratosphere.
At mid latitudes in the N.H., continental Europe and Japan showed
significant increases in the 1970s and 1980s. Over North America
rises in the 1970s are less than those seen in Europe and Japan,
suggesting significant regional differences. In all three of
these mid latitude, continental regions tropospheric ozone amounts
appear to have leveled off or in some cases declined in the more
recent decades. Over the North Atlantic three widely separated
sites show significant increases since the late-1990s that may
have peaked in recent years.
Note: This paper is an important contribution to the literature
because it, similar to the Oltmans et al. (1998) paper cited
above, describes the long-term trends in tropospheric ozone that
are occurring at many remote locations in the world. This is
of particular interest to those concerned about global climate
change, long-range transport, and natural and anthropogenic perturbations
on meteorological processes.

Musselman R. C. and Lefohn A. S. (2007)
The use of critical levels for determining plant response to
ozone in Europe and in North America. Short Communication. Proceedings:
Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 7(S1), 1521. ISSN 1537-744X;
DOI 10.1100/tsw.2007.24. www.thescientificworld.com.
Critical levels to determine plant response
to ozone (O3) have been used in Europe since the 1980s, utilizing
the concentration-based AOT40 to relate plant response to ambient
O3 exposure. More recently, there has been progress in Europe
toward utilizing flux-based critical levels, because plant response
is more closely related to O3 uptake than to the amount of O3
in ambient air. Flux-based critical levels are plant species
specific; data for parameterization of flux-based critical levels
models are lacking for most plant species. Although flux-based
critical levels are now being used for a limited number of agricultural
crops and tree species where data are available, the use of flux-based
critical levels is limited by the lack of adequate consideration
and incorporation of plant internal detoxification mechanisms
in flux modeling. Critical levels have not been used in North
America; however, recent interest in the US and Canada for using
critical loads for nitrogen and sulfur has generated interest
in using critical levels for O3. A major obstacle for utilization
of critical levels in North America is that ambient air quality
standards for O3 in the US and Canada are concentration-based
and are not specific to individual plant species. Cumulative
exposure-based metrics, particularly when implemented with a
quantification of peak concentrations and environmental variables
such as a drought index, are currently the most useful to relate
O3 to vegetation response. Because data are unavailable to quantify
detoxification potential of vegetation, effective flux models
are not available to determine plant response to O3.

Hazucha M. J. and Lefohn A. S. (2007) Nonlinearity in human
health response to ozone: Experimental laboratory considerations.
Atmospheric Environment. 41:4559-4570.
Results from controlled laboratory exposures of human volunteers
indicate that higher ozone (O3) hourly average concentrations
elicit a greater effect on hour-by-hour physiologic response
(i.e., forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV1]) than lower hourly
average values, which implies a nonlinear dose-response relationship.
The current 8-h average human health O3 standard is not adequate
for describing this nonlinear FEV1 hour-by-hour pattern of response.
Consequently, it is recommended that physiologically consistent
sigmoidally shaped dose-response models based on controlled human
laboratory data be integrated into the air quality standard-setting
process. The sigmoidally shaped model is continuous, does not
require the identification of a population threshold concentration,
and deals with plateau considerations at the high end of the
distribution of exposures. For developing a consistent standard
to protect human health, it is important to identify those ambient-type
concentration patterns that elicit adverse human health effects.
Such a standard should be ultimately based not only on spirometric
response but other potentially important health impairment endpoints.
Because of the paucity of experimental results that utilize ambient-type
concentration regimes, additional studies are needed to create
a database that uses realistic ambient-type exposures (i.e.,
variable concentration regimes) for human laboratory studies.
The ambient-type concentration patterns that elicit an adverse
health effect can be subsequently integrated into a form and
level of a protective standard.
Note: This paper discusses the observation that the absolute
value of the high hourly average concentrations (e.g., hourly
average concentrations greater than or equal to 100 ppb) affect
the dynamic FEV1 responses more than the mid- or lower-level
concentrations, resulting in a nonlinear relationship between
dose and FEV1 response. The result of this observation is that
the 8-hour average concentration is not an adequate exposure
metric to use as a standard to protect human health.

Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Harris J. M., and Shadwick D.
(2008) Background ozone levels of air entering the west coast
of the U.S. and assessment of longer-term changes. Atmospheric
Environment. 42:6020-6038.
An analysis of surface ozone measurements at a west coast
site in northern California (Trinidad Head) demonstrates that
this location is well situated to sample air entering the west
coast of the U.S. from the Pacific Ocean. During the seasonal
maximum in the spring, this location regularly observes hourly
average ozone mixing ratios greater than or equal to 50 ppbv
in air that is uninfluenced by the North American continent.
Mean daytime values in the spring exceed 40 ppbv. A location
in southern California (Channel Islands National Park) demonstrates
many of the characteristics during the spring as Trinidad Head
in terms of air flow patterns and ozone amounts suggesting that
background levels of ozone entering southern California from
the Pacific Ocean are similar to those in northern California.
Two inland locations (Yreka and Lassen Volcanic National Park)
in northern California with surface ozone data records of 20
years or more are more difficult to interpret because of possible
influences of local or regional changes. They show differing
results for the long-term trend during the spring. The 10-year
ozone vertical profile measurements obtained with weekly ozonesondes
at Trinidad Head show no significant longer-term change in tropospheric
Note: This paper provides a quantitative estimate based
on actual data of policy-relevant background ozone concentrations
for the west coast of the United States.

Lefohn A. S., Shadwick D., and Oltmans S. J. (2008). Characterizing
long-term changes in surface ozone levels in the United States
(1980-2005). Atmospheric Environment. 42:8252-8262.
Using statistical trending on a site-by-site basis of the
(1) health-based annual 2nd highest 1-hour average concentration
and annual 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour average concentration
and (2) vegetation-based annual seasonally corrected 24-hour
W126 cumulative exposure index, we have investigated temporal
and spatial statistically significant changes that occurred in
surface O3 in the United States for the periods 1980-2005 and
1990-2005 and explored whether differences in trending occur
depending upon the selection of the exposure metric. Using the
trending results, the analyses quantitatively explore the evidence
for the higher hourly average O3 concentrations decreasing faster
than the mid- and lower-values. Most of the monitoring sites
analyzed in our study experienced decreasing or no trends. Few
monitoring sites experienced increasing trends. For those monitoring
sites with declining O3 levels, an initial pattern of rapid decrease
in the higher hourly average concentrations, followed by a much
slower decrease in mid-level concentrations was observed. In
some cases, we observed shifts from the lower hourly average
O3 concentrations to the mid-level values. On a site-by-site
basis, the majority of monitoring sites (1) changed from negative
trend to no trend, (2) continued a negative trend, or (3) remained
in the no trend status, when comparing trends for the 1980-2005
to the 1990-2005 time periods. For all three exposure metrics,
approximately 60% of the monitoring sites shifted from negative
trending to no trending status. It appeared that all regions
of the United States were equally affected by the shift in status.
The greatest statistically significant decreases in the 2nd highest
1-hour average concentrations and the annual 4th highest daily
maximum 8-hour average concentration for the two temporal periods
occurred in southern California. Monitoring sites in other portions
of the United States experienced lesser decreases than this geographic
area. In contrast to the two exposure indices, the vegetation-based
24-hour W126 O3 cumulative index for 1980-2005 experienced significant
declines in the midwestern states and the northeastern United
States as well as in southern California. For the 1990-2005 period,
monitoring sites in southern California and the northeastern
United States experienced the greatest decreases in the W126
exposure metric. Testing for statistically significant changes
in the number of hourly average concentrations within specified
concentration intervals identified specific months that experienced
shifts in the distribution of the hourly average concentrations.
We observed that a statistically significant trend at a specific
monitoring site, using one exposure index, did not necessarily
result in a similar trend using the other two indices. Because
different trending patterns were observed when applying the various
exposure indices, a careful selection of O3 exposure metrics
is required when assessing trends for specific purposes, such
as human health, vegetation, and climate change effects.

Heath R. L., Lefohn A. S., and Musselman R. C. (2009). Temporal
processes that contribute to nonlinearity in vegetation responses
to ozone exposure and dose. Atmospheric Environment. 43:2919-2928.
Ozone interacts with plant tissue through distinct temporal
processes. Sequentially, plants are exposed to ambient O3 that
(1) moves through the leaf boundary layer, (2) is taken up into
plant tissue primarily through stomata, and (3) undergoes chemical
interaction within plant tissue, first by initiating alterations
and then as part of plant detoxification and repair. In this
paper, we discuss the linkage of the temporal variability of
apoplastic ascorbate with the diurnal variability of defense
mechanisms in plants and compare this variability with daily
maximum O3 concentration and diurnal uptake and entry of O3 into
the plant through stomata. We describe the quantitative evidence
on temporal variability in concentration and uptake and find
that the time incidence for maximum defense does not necessarily
match diurnal patterns for maximum O3 concentration or maximum
uptake. We suggest that the observed out-of-phase association
of the diurnal patterns for the above three processes produces
a nonlinear relationship that results in a greater response from
the higher hourly average O3 concentrations than from the lower
or mid-level values. The fact that these out-of-phase processes
affect the relationship between O3 exposure/dose and vegetation
effects ultimately impact the ability of flux-based indices to
predict vegetation effects accurately for purposes of standard
setting and critical levels. Based on the quantitative aspect
of temporal variability identified in this paper, we suggest
that the inclusion of a diurnal pattern for detoxification in
effective flux-based models would improve the predictive characteristics
of the models. While much of the current information has been
obtained using high O3 exposures, future research results derived
from laboratory biochemical experiments that use short but elevated
O3 exposures should be combined with experimental results that
use ambient-type exposures over longer periods of time. It is
anticipated that improved understanding will come from future
research focused on diurnal variability in plant defense mechanisms
and their relationship to the diurnal variability in ambient
O3 concentration and stomatal conductance. This should result
in more reliable O3 exposure standards and critical levels.
Note: This paper describes how uptake of ozone into the
plant, ozone exposures, and defense processes relate temporally
to one another. The three processes are more than likely out
of phase with one another. It is the out-of-phase relationship
that explains why the higher hourly average concentrations of
ozone are more important than the mid- and lower-levels. We believe
that when a mathematical term for defense is added to the flux
equations, the models should be able to match the observations
observed in the field and the laboratory that the higher ozone
concentrations should be weighted greater than the mid- and lower-level
values. Many of the flux models today predict just the opposite.

Oltmans, S.J., Lefohn, A.S., Harris,
J.M., Tarasick, DW., Thompson, AM., Wernli, H., Johnson, B.J.,
Novelli, P.C., Montzka, S.A., Ray, J.D., Patrick, L.C., Sweeney,
C., Jefferson, A., Dann, T., Davies, J., Shapiro, M., Holben,
B.N. (2010). Enhanced ozone over western North America from biomass
burning in Eurasia during April 2008 as seen in surface and profile
observations. Atmospheric Environment. 44:4497-4509.
During April 2008, as part of the International
Polar Year (IPY), a number of ground based and aircraft campaigns
were carried out in the North American Arctic region (e.g., ARCTAS,
ARCPAC). The widespread presence during this period of biomass
burning effluent, both gaseous and particulate, has been reported.
Unusually high ozone readings for this time of year were recorded
at surface ozone monitoring sites from northern Alaska to northern
California. At Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost point in the
United States, the highest April ozone readings recorded at the
surface (hourly average values >55 ppbv) in 36 years of observation
were measured on April 19, 2008. At Denali National Park in central
Alaska, an hourly average of 79 ppbv was recorded during an 8-hr
period in which the average was over 75 ppbv, exceeding the ozone
ambient air quality standard threshold value in the U.S. Elevated
ozone (>60 ppbv) persisted almost continuously from April
19-23 at the monitoring site during this event. At a coastal
site in northern California (Trinidad Head), hourly ozone readings
were >50 ppbv almost continuously for a 35-hr period from
April 18-20. At several sites in northern California, located
to the east of Trinidad Head, numerous occurrences of ozone readings
exceeding 60 ppbv were recorded during April 2008. Ozone profiles
from an extensive series of balloon soundings showed lower tropospheric
features at ~1-6 km with enhanced ozone during the times of elevated
ozone amounts at surface sites in western Canada and the U.S.
Based on extensive trajectory calculations, biomass burning in
regions of southern Russia was identified as the likely source
of the observed ozone enhancements. Ancillary measurements of
atmospheric constituents and optical properties (aerosol optical
thickness) supported the presence of a burning plume at several
locations. At two coastal sites (Trinidad Head and Vancouver
Island), profiles of a large suite of gases were measured from
airborne flask samples taken during probable encounters with
burning plumes. These profiles aided in characterizing the vertical
thickness of the plumes, as well as confirming that the plumes
reaching the west coast of North America were associated with
biomass burning events.
Note: This paper describes the importance of Eurasian
biomass burning on affecting the surface ozone concentrations
at monitoring sites along the western US and Canada, as well
as Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota. Enhanced ozone concentrations
were observed during the period when Eurasian biomass burning
products were transferred to North America. This paper, our second
dealing with policy-relevant background (PRB), provides a quantitative
estimate, based on actual data, of policy-relevant background
ozone concentrations for the western United States when PRB conditions
are prevalent.

Lefohn, A.S., Hazucha, M.J., Shadwick,
D., Adams, W.C. (2010). An Alternative Form and Level of the
Human Health Ozone Standard. Inhalation Toxicology. 22:999-1011.
Controlled human laboratory studies
have shown that there is a disproportionately greater pulmonary
function response from higher hourly average ozone (O3) concentrations
than from lower hourly average values and thus, a nonlinear relationship
exists between O3 dose and pulmonary function (FEV1) response.
The nonlinear dose-response relationship affects the efficacy
of the current 8-h O3 standard to describe adequately the observed
spirometric response to typical diurnal O3 exposure patterns.
We have reanalyzed data from five controlled human response to
O3 health laboratory experiments as reported by Hazucha et al.
(1992), Adams (2003, 2006a, 2006b), and Schelegle et al. (2009).
These investigators exposed subjects to multi-hour variable/stepwise
O3 concentration profiles that mimicked typical diurnal patterns
of ambient O3 concentrations. Our findings indicate a common
response pattern across most of the studies that provides valuable
information for the development of a lung function (FEV1)based
alternate form for the O3 standard. Based on our reanalysis of
the realistic exposure profiles used in these experiments, we
suggest that an alternative form of the human health standard,
similar to the proposed secondary (i.e., vegetation) standard
form, be considered. The suggested form is an adjusted 5-h cumulative
concentration weighted O3 exposure index, which addresses both
the delay associated with the onset of response (FEV1 decrement)
and the nonlinearity of response (i.e., the greater effect of
higher concentrations over the mid- and low-range values) on
an hourly basis.
Note: The paper, while bringing focus to an alternative
form and level of the human health standard, goes beyond this
focus by detailing the common response observed across most of
the studies described, which composes of induction, response,
and recovery (i.e., reversal) phases. The importance of better
characterizing hourly average policy-relevant background ozone
concentrations is discussed in relationship to applying realistic
control concentrations in the human laboratory studies. The relevance
of applying enhanced unrealistic constant-concentration exposure
regimes in experimental studies is discussed. The paper is an
important contribution to the science of the quantification of
dose-response and its effects on target organisms because it
details the importance of the timing of defense processes, relevant
control ambient-type exposures, and the three phases of response.
While the stressant applied is ozone, the observations described
in the paper may be applicable to other stressants. There is
a close similarity with the observations reported in our paper
for human health with those reported in Heath et al. (2009) for
vegetation (please see above for the citation) - the importance
of the weighting of the peak exposures and the timing of the
defense mechanisms as exposures occur.
Lefohn, A.S., Shadwick, D., Oltmans,
S.J. (2010). Characterizing Changes of Surface Ozone Levels in
Metropolitan and Rural Areas in the United States for 1980-2008
and 1994-2008. Atmospheric Environment. 44:5199-5210.
In this analysis, we characterize urban
and rural ozone (O3) trends across the US for the periods 1980-2008
(29 years) and 1994-2008 (15 years) using three exposure metrics,
which summarize daily O3 concentrations to reflect different
ways O3 may affect human health and vegetation. We observe that
a statistically significant trend at a specific monitoring site,
using one exposure metric, does not necessarily result in a similar
trend using the other two metrics. The two most common trends
among the monitoring sites are either a continuation of negative
trending over the 29-year period or a shift from negative to
no trend status, indicating a leveling off of the trending. Very
few sites exhibit statistically significant increases in the
exposure indices. In characterizing the statistically significant
changes in the distribution of hourly average O3, we observe
subtle statistically significant changes in the lower part of
the distribution (i.e., below 50 ppb) that are not necessarily
captured by the trending patterns associated with the three exposure
metrics. Using multisite data from 12 metropolitan cities, we
find that as the frequency of higher hourly average concentrations
is reduced, the lower hourly average concentrations also move
upward toward the mid-level values. The change in the number
of the hourly average concentrations in the lower range is consistent
with decreased NO scavenging. We recommend assessing possible
subtle shifts in O3 concentrations by characterizing changes
in the distribution of hourly average concentrations by month.
Identifying statistically significant monthly changes in the
mid- and low-level hourly average concentrations may provide
important information for assessing changes in physical processes
associated with global climate change, long-range transport,
and the efficacy of models used for emission and risk reductions.
Our results indicate that it is important to investigate the
change in the trending pattern with time (e.g., moving 15-year
trending) in order to assess how year-to-year variability may
influence the trend calculation.
Note: The paper, while discussing the trends at both rural
and urban monitoring sites for the three effects-related exposure
metrics, explores the subtle shifts over time in the hourly average
concentrations within the distribution. As NO is reduced, one
would anticipate a shift from the lower part of the distribution
toward the mid-range of the hourly average concentrations. Such
is what is observed at some monitoring sites. Similarly, as the
O3 precursors are reduced, one should see a shift from the highest
hourly average concentrations toward the mid-range. Such a shift
occurs. Thus, both ends of the distribution shift toward the
mid-range concentrations. Oltmans et al. (1998 and 2006) and
others report a "flattening" effect, where surface
O3 trends have begun to disappear in the latter years. In most
cases, the linear trending approach misses the "flattening"
effect. To quantify the "flattening" effect, we have
characterized the change in trending pattern using moving 15-year
trends. This paper provides examples of the use of the moving
15-year trending.
Lefohn, A.S., Wernli, H., Shadwick,
D., Limbach, S., Oltmans, S.J., Shapiro, M. (2011). The Importance
of Stratospheric-Tropospheric Transport in Affecting Surface
Ozone Concentrations in the Western and Northern Tier of the
United States. Atmospheric Environment. 45:4845-4857.
Stratospheric-tropospheric exchange
(STE) processes contribute at both high and low-elevation monitoring
sites to background ozone (O3) concentrations. This study addresses
the importance of stratospheric intrusions contributing to enhanced
hourly average surface O3 concentrations (i.e., greater than
or equal to 50 ppb) at 12 O3 monitoring stations in the western
and northern tier of the US for 2006, 2007, and 2008. The Lagrangian
Analysis Tool (LAGRANTO) trajectory model identified specific
days when stratosphere-to-troposphere transport was optimal to
elevate surface O3 levels. The coincidences between the number
of days with a daily maximum hourly average O3 concentration
greater than or equal to 50 ppb and stratosphere-to-troposphere
transport to surface (STT-S >0) were quantified. The high-elevation
site at Yellowstone National Park (NP) in Wyoming exhibited the
most coincidences (i.e., more than 19 days a month) during the
spring and summer for hourly average O3 concentrations greater
than or equal to 50 ppb with STT-S >0 of the 12 monitoring
sites. At this site, the daily maximum hourly springtime average
O3 concentrations were usually in the 60-70 ppb range. The maximum
daily 8-h average concentrations mostly ranged from 50 to 65
ppb. At many of the lower-elevation sites, there was a preference
for O3 enhancements to be coincident with STT-S >0 during
the springtime, although summertime occurrences were sometimes
observed. When statistically significant coincidences occurred,
the daily maximum hourly average concentrations were mostly in
the 50-65 ppb range and the daily maximum 8-h average concentrations
were usually in the 50-62 ppb range. For many cases, the coincidences
between the enhancements and the STT-S events occurred over a
continuous multiday period. Our analysis provides an important
step in better understanding the variability of natural background
O3 concentrations. The study has provided insight into stratospheric
intrusions, with emphasis on the combined role of quasi-isentropic
large-scale advection and mesoscale boundary layer turbulence
for stratospheric air influencing enhanced surface O3.

McDonald-Buller, E.C., Allen, D.T.,
Brown, N., Jacob, D.J., Jaffe, D., Kolb, C.E., Lefohn, A.S.,
Oltmans, S., Parrish, D.D., Yarwood, G., Zhang, L. (2011). Establishing
Policy Relevant Background (PRB) Ozone Concentrations in the
United States. Environmental Science & Technology. 45(22):9484-97.
Policy Relevant Background (PRB) ozone
concentrations are defined by the United States (U.S.) Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) as those concentrations that would occur
in the U.S. in the absence of anthropogenic emissions in continental
North America (i.e., the U.S, Canada, and Mexico). Estimates
of PRB ozone have had an important role historically in the EPA's
human health and welfare risk analyses used in establishing National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The margin of safety for
the protection of public health in the ozone rulemaking process
has been established from human health risks calculated based
on PRB ozone estimates. Sensitivity analyses conducted by the
EPA have illustrated that changing estimates of PRB ozone concentrations
have a progressively greater impact on estimates of mortality
risk as more stringent standards are considered. As defined by
the EPA, PRB ozone is a model construct, but it is informed by
measurements at relatively remote monitoring sites (RRMS). This
review examines the current understanding of PRB ozone, based
on both model predictions and measurements at RRMS, and provides
recommendations for improving the definition and determination
of PRB ozone.

Lefohn, A.S., Wernli, H., Shadwick,
D., Oltmans, S.J., Shapiro, M. (2012). Quantifying the Importance
of Stratospheric-Tropospheric Transport on Surface Ozone Concentrations
at High- and Low-Elevation Monitoring Sites in the United States.
Atmospheric Environment. 62:646-656.
In this study, we quantify the frequency
of stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) events that result
in ozone (O3) concentration enhancements (i.e., hourly average
concentrations greater than or equal to 50 ppb) observed at 39
high- and low-elevation monitoring sites in the US during the
years 2007-2009. We employ a refined forward trajectory-based
approach to address the relationship between stratospheric intrusions
and enhancements in hourly average O3 concentrations. The model
is applied to high-resolution European Center for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) analyses to identify specific days
when the potential for stratosphere-to-troposphere transport
(STT) exists to affect surface O3 levels. Our results indicate
that STT down to the surface (STT-S) frequently contributes to
enhanced surface O3 hourly averaged concentrations at sites across
the US, with substantial year-to-year variability. The O3 concentrations
associated with the STT-S events appear to be large enough to
enhance the measured O3 concentrations during specific months
of the year. Months with a statistically significant coincidence
between enhanced O3 concentrations and STT-S occur most frequently
at the high-elevation sites in the Intermountain West, as well
as at the high-elevation sites in the West and East. These sites
exhibit a preference for coincidences during the springtime and
in some cases, the summer, fall, and late winter. Besides the
high-elevation monitoring sites, low-elevation monitoring sites
across the entire US experience enhanced O3 concentrations coincident
with STT-S events.

Oltmans, S.J., Lefohn, A.S., Shadwick,
D., Harris, J.M., Scheel, H.-E., Galbally, I., Tarasick, D.A.,
Johnson, B.J., Brunke, E., Claude, H., Zeng, G., Nichol, S.,
Schmidlin, F., Redondas, A., Cuevas, E., Nakano, T., Kawasato,
T. (2013). Recent Tropospheric Ozone Changes - A Pattern Dominated
by Slow or No Growth. Atmospheric Environment. 67:331-351.
Longer-term (i.e., 20-40 years) tropospheric
ozone (O3) time series obtained from surface and ozonesonde observations
have been analyzed to assess possible changes with time through
2010. The time series have been selected to reflect relatively
broad geographic regions and where possible minimize local scale
influences, generally avoiding sites close to larger urban areas.
Several approaches have been used to describe the changes with
time, including application of a time-series model, running 15-year
trends, and changes in the distribution by month in the O3 mixing
ratio. Changes have been investigated utilizing monthly averages,
as well as exposure metrics that focus on specific parts of the
distribution of hourly average concentrations (e.g., low-, mid-,
and high-level concentration ranges). Many of the longer time
series (~30 years) in mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere,
including those in Japan, show a pattern of significant increase
in the earlier portion of the record, with a flattening over
the last 10-15 years. It is uncertain if the flattening of the
O3 change over Japan reflects the impact of O3 transported from
continental East Asia in light of reported O3 increases in China.
In the Canadian Arctic, declines from the beginning of the ozonesonde
record in 1980 have mostly rebounded with little overall change
over the period of record. The limited data in the tropical Pacific
suggest very little change over the entire record. In the southern
hemisphere subtropics and midlatitudes, the significant increase
observed in the early part of the record has leveled off in the
most recent decade. At the South Pole, a decline observed during
the first half of the 35-year record has reversed, and O3 has
recovered to levels similar to the beginning of the record. Our
understanding of the causes of the longer-term changes is limited,
although it appears that in the mid-latitudes of the northern
hemisphere, controls on O3 precursors have likely been a factor
in the leveling off or decline from earlier O3 increases.

Lefohn, A.S., Emery, C., Shadwick,
D., Wernli, H., Jung, J., Oltmans, S.J., 2014. Estimates of Background
Surface Ozone Concentrations in the United States Based on Model-Derived
Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Environment. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.11.033.
We analyze background surface ozone
(O3) concentrations as estimated by coupled GEOS-Chem/CAMx models
for 23 monitoring sites across the US at high- and low-elevation,
rural and urban locations during 2006. Specifically, we consider
hourly contributions from global tropospheric O3 entering North
America, stratospheric O3 over North America, and natural O3
formed from continental biogenic, fire, and lightning sources,
according to CAMx source apportionment calculations. Unlike historical
modeled background definitions that reflect the absence of anthropogenic
emissions, we define Emissions-Influenced Background
(EIB), which includes chemical interactions with anthropogenic
emissions and thus reflects current background levels
at the sites analyzed. We further define global background O3
(GBO3) as the sum of the global tropospheric and stratospheric
components and find that higher modeled GBO3 occurs during the
spring at sites across the US. At many of the sites during the
spring, fall, and winter months higher GBO3 is associated with
more frequent stratosphere-to-troposphere transport to the surface
(STT-S) events according to independent three-dimensional trajectories
based on global meteorological analyses. Patterns of higher spring
EIB O3 are followed by lower values during the summer, due to
heightened chemical interaction with anthropogenic sources, which
are then followed by rising EIB O3 during the fall and winter
months. For some high-elevation western US sites, this seasonal
pattern is less discernible due to relatively small anthropogenic
contributions and the high EIB O3 estimated throughout the year.
EIB O3 at all high-elevation sites contributes a significant
proportion to total O3 throughout the year and throughout the
observed total O3 frequency distribution, while EIB O3 at most
urban sites contributes a major portion to total O3 during non-summer
months and to the mid-range concentrations (30-50 ppb) of the
frequency distribution.
Note: The paper describes the influence of background O3
on monitoring sites across the US. While background plays an
important role at high-elevation sites in the western US, background
O3 also plays a role at low-elevation sites across the US. While
many scientists and policymakers focus on the influence that
"episodic" events (high concentrations over short periods
of time) from the stratosphere (which contributes to background)
have on surface O3, an equally or even more important role of
the stratosphere on surface O3 is the ability of the stratosphere
to "enhance" in subtle ways the surface O3 concentrations
measured daily. Our paper quantifies for the year 2006 the importance
of background O3 and why it is an important player that needs
to be considered in the standard-setting process.

Lefohn, A.S., Cooper, O.R., 2015. Introduction
to the special issue on observations and source attribution of
ozone in rural regions of the western United States. Atmospheric
Environment, 109: 279-281.

Lefohn, A.S., Malley, C.S., Simon,
H., Wells. B., Xu, X., Zhang, L., Wang, T., 2017. Responses of
human health and vegetation exposure metrics to changes in ozone
concentration distributions in the European Union, United States,
and China. Atmospheric Environment 152: 123-145. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.025.
The impacts of surface ozone (O3) on
human health and vegetation have prompted O3 precursor emission
reductions in the European Union (EU) and United States (US).
In contrast, until recently, emissions have increased in East
Asia and most strongly in China. As emissions change, the distribution
of hourly O3 concentrations also changes, as do the values of
exposure metrics. The distribution changes can result in the
exposure metric trend patterns changing in a similar direction
as trends in emissions (e.g., metrics increase as emissions increase)
or, in some cases, in opposite directions. This study, using
data from 481 sites (276 in the EU, 196 in the US, and 9 in China),
investigates the response of 14 human health and vegetation O3
exposure metrics to changes in hourly O3 concentration distributions
over time. At a majority of EU and US sites, there was a reduction
in the frequency of both relatively high and low hourly average
O3 concentrations. In contrast, for some sites in mainland China
and Hong Kong, the middle of the distribution shifted upwards
but the low end did not change and for other sites, the entire
distribution shifted upwards. The responses of the 14 metrics
to these changes at the EU, US, and Chinese sites were varied,
and dependent on (1) the extent to which the metric was determined
by relatively high, moderate, and low concentrations and (2)
the relative magnitude of the shifts occurring within the O3
concentration distribution. For example, the majority of the
EU and US sites experienced decreasing trends in the magnitude
of those metrics associated with higher concentrations. For the
sites in China, all of the metrics either increased or had no
trends. In contrast, there were a greater number of sites that
had no trend for those metrics determined by a combination of
moderate and high O3 concentrations. A result of our analyses
is that trends in mean or median concentrations did not appear
to be well associated with some exposure metrics applicable for
assessing human health or vegetation effects. The identification
of shifting patterns in the O3 distribution and the resulting
changes in O3 exposure metrics across regions with large emission
increases and decreases is an important step in examining the
linkage between emissions and exposure metric trends. The results
provide insight into the utility of using specific exposure metrics
for assessing emission control strategies.
Note: Ozone metrics are used to assess the risk of "smog"
to human health and vegetation. Some researchers use the 8-h
daily maximum concentration for quantifying human health risk,
while others use the SOMO35 metric. For assessing vegetation
effects, some researchers use the W126 cumulative exposure index
that focuses on the biologically important high- and mid-level
concentrations, while others use the seasonal average of the
12-h daily O3 concentrations between 0800 h and 1959 h (M12),
which treats all hourly average concentrations the same. The
paper describes the behavior of 14 exposure metrics and illustrates
that using the same hourly data, one can reach entirely different
scientific conclusions utilizing the various exposure metrics
for assessing biological effects and efficacy of control strategies.
Our observations and conclusions are important for researchers,
regulators, and policymakers at both the national and international

Fleming, Z.L., Doherty,
R.M., von Schneidemesser, E., Malley, C.S., Cooper, O.R., Pinto,
J.P., Colette, A., Xu, X., Simpson, D., Schultz, M.G., Lefohn,
A.S., Hamad, S., Moolla, R., Solberg, S., Feng, Z., 2018. Tropospheric
Ozone Assessment Report: Present day ozone distribution and trends
relevant to human health. Elem Sci Anth. 2018;6(1):12. DOI:
This study quantifies the present-day
global and regional distributions (2010-2014) and trends (2000-2014)
for five ozone metrics relevant for short-term and long-term
human exposure. These metrics, calculated by the Tropospheric
Ozone Assessment Report, are: 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour
ozone (4MDA8); number of days with MDA8 > 70 ppb (NDGT70),
SOMO35 (annual Sum of Ozone Means Over 35 ppb) and two seasonally
averaged metrics (3MMDA1; AVGMDA8). These metrics were explored
at ozone monitoring sites worldwide, which were classified as
urban or non-urban based on population and nighttime lights data.
Present-day distributions of 4MDA8 and NDGT70, determined predominantly
by peak values, are similar with highest levels in western North
America, southern Europe and East Asia. For the other three metrics,
distributions are similar with North-South gradients more prominent
across Europe and Japan. Between 2000 and 2014, significant negative
trends in 4MDA8 and NDGT70 occur at most US and some European
sites. In contrast, significant positive trends are found at
many sites in South Korea and Hong Kong, with mixed trends across
Japan. The other three metrics have similar, negative trends
for many non-urban North American and some European and Japanese
sites, and positive trends across much of East Asia. Globally,
metrics at many sites exhibit non-significant trends. At 59 %
of all sites there is a common direction and significance in
the trend across all five metrics, whilst 4MDA8 and NDGT70 have
a common trend at ~80 % of all sites. Sensitivity analysis shows
AVGMDA8 trends differ with averaging period (warm season or annual).
Trends are unchanged at many sites when a 1995-2014 period is
used; although fewer sites exhibit non-significant trends. Over
the longer period 1970-2014, most Japanese sites exhibit positive
4MDA8/SOMO35 trends. Insufficient data exist to characterize
ozone trends for the rest of Asia and other world regions.

Lefohn, A.S., Malley, C.S.,
Smith, L., Wells, B., Hazucha, M., Simon, H., Naik, V., Mills,
G., Schultz, M.G., Paoletti, E., De Marco, A., Xu, X., Zhang,
L., Wang, T., Neufeld, H.S., Musselman, R.C., Tarasick, T., Brauer,
M., Feng, Z., Tang, T., Kobayashi, K., Sicard, P., Solberg, S.,
and Gerosa. G. 2018. Tropospheric ozone assessment report: global
ozone metrics for climate change, human health, and crop/ecosystem
research. Elem Sci Anth. 2018;6(1):28. DOI:
Assessment of spatial and temporal variation
in the impacts of ozone on human health, vegetation, and climate
requires appropriate metrics. A key component of the Tropospheric
Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) is the consistent calculation
of these metrics at thousands of monitoring sites globally. Investigating
temporal trends in these metrics required that the same statistical
methods be applied across these ozone monitoring sites. The nonparametric
Mann-Kendall test (for significant trends) and the Theil-Sen
estimator (for estimating the magnitude of trend) were selected
to provide robust methods across all sites. This paper provides
the scientific underpinnings necessary to better understand the
implications of and rationale for selecting a specific TOAR metric
for assessing spatial and temporal variation in ozone for a particular
impact. The rationale and underlying research evidence that influence
the derivation of specific metrics are given. The form of 25
metrics (4 for model-measurement comparison, 5 for characterization
of ozone in the free troposphere, 11 for human health impacts,
and 5 for vegetation impacts) are described. Finally, this study
categorizes health and vegetation exposure metrics based on the
extent to which they are determined only by the highest hourly
ozone levels, or by a wider range of values. The magnitude of
the metrics is influenced by both the distribution of hourly
average ozone concentrations at a site location, and the extent
to which a particular metric is determined by relatively low,
moderate, and high hourly ozone levels. Hence, for the same ozone
time series, changes in the distribution of ozone concentrations
can result in different changes in the magnitude and direction
of trends for different metrics. Thus, dissimilar conclusions
about the effect of changes in the drivers of ozone variability
(e.g., precursor emissions) on health and vegetation exposure
can result from the selection of different metrics.

Dai, L., Feng, Z., Pan,
X., Xu, Y., Li, P., Lefohn, A.S., Harmons, H., Kobayashi, K.
2019. The detoxification by apoplastic antioxidants is insufficient
to remove the harmful effects of elevated ozone in tobacco, soybean
and poplar. Environ. Pollut. 245: 380-388. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.030
Apoplastic ascorbate (ASCapo) is an
important contributor to the detoxification of ozone (O3). The
objective of the study is to explore whether ASCapo is stimulated
by elevated O3 concentrations. The detoxification of O3 by ASCapo
was quantified in tobacco (Nicotiana L), soybean (Glycine max
(L.) Merr.) and poplar (Populus L), which were exposed to charcoal-filtered
air (CF) and elevated O3 treatments (E-O3). ASCapo in the three
species were significantly increased by E-O3 compared with the
values in the filtered treatment. For all three species, E-O3
significantly increased the malondialdehyde (MDA) content and
decreased light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (Asat), suggesting
that high O3 has induced injury/damage to plants. E-O3 significantly
increased redox state in the apoplast (redox stateapo) for all
species, whereas no effect on the apoplastic dehydroascorbate
(DHAapo) was observed. In leaf tissues, E-O3 significantly enhanced
reduced-ascorbate (ASC) and total ascorbate (ASC+DHA) in soybean
and poplar, but significantly reduced these in tobacco, indicating
different antioxidative capacity to the high O3 levels among
the three species. Total antioxidant capacity in the apoplast
(TACapo) was significantly increased by E-O3 in tobacco and poplar,
but leaf tissue TAC was significantly enhanced only in tobacco.
Leaf tissue superoxide anion (O2-) in poplar and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) in tobacco and soybean were significantly increased
by E-O3. The diurnal variation of ASCapo, with maximum values
occurring in the late morning with lower values experienced in
the afternoon appeared to play an important role in the harmful
effects of O3 on tobacco, soybean and poplar.
Note: The paper complements the research performed to date
on better understanding the diurnal pattern of leaf defense systems
and their response to enhanced ozone concentrations experienced
under ambient conditions. The research results reported by Heath
et al. (2009) (paper described earlier on this webpage) and Wang
et al. (2015) (paper cited in Lefohn et al., 2018) described
the diurnal variation of detoxification processes and their out-of-phase
relationships with stomatal uptake and enhanced ozone concentrations.

Neufeld, H.S., Sullins,
A., Sive, B.C., Lefohn, A.S. 2019. Spatial and temporal patterns
of ozone at Great Smoky Mountains National Park and implications
for plant responses. Atmospheric Environment: X 2, 100023. DOI:
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) is the most visited
National Park in the United States and has the highest levels
of biodiversity of any park unit. It is a relatively small park
(~210,433 ha), but topographically complex, with an elevational
range of 1757 m. The Park has historically been subject to elevated
levels of pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3),
and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Ozone trends are analyzed from 1989
to 2016 for six monitoring sites in and adjacent to GRSM and
ranging in elevation from 564 m to 2030 m. Low-elevation sites
have minimum O3 concentrations in early morning and maximum concentrations
in mid-to late afternoon. High-elevation sites have flatter profiles,
smaller diurnal ranges, and maxima that occur in early evening
or at night. The W126 24-h exposure index increases with elevation
up to 823 m, after which it plateaus. W126 24- h exposures increased
between the years 1989 to ~2002, and have substantially decreased
afterwards. The highest 1-h concentration ever recorded in the
Park was 135 ppb, which occurred on 25 August 1998. At most sites
the maximum 3-month W126 24-h exposures have shifted from mid-summer
to spring (Apr Jun). Decreases in exposure result primarily
from reduction of hourly averaged O3 concentrations greater than
or equal to 60 ppb. Ozone episodes (3 or more consecutive hours
when O3 greater than or equal to 60 ppb) have decreased in frequency,
magnitude, and duration from 1999 to 2016. Decreases in W126
exposures are correlated with lowered NOx emissions from regional
TVA power plants and appear to be a direct result of the State
Implementation Plan (SIP) call associated with the Clean Air
Act Amendments, resulting in the cleanest air in GRSM over the
period of record. Lower cumulative W126 O3 exposures and reduction
in high O3 concentrations appear to be having beneficial effects
on the vegetation within the Park.
Note: Modeling results show a pattern of the shifting of
when the higher concentrations occur from the summer months toward
the spring months as emissions are reduced. Actual monitoring
data do show that the highest O3 exposures occur at some sites
across the U.S. during the springtime (March to mid-June). Similar
to the pattern described in modeling results by the EPA in its
Policy Assessment document, the results described in our paper
illustrate that as emissions were reduced, at most of the six
sites, the maximum 3-month W126 exposures shifted from mid-summer
to the April-June period. Decreases in W126 exposures were correlated
with lowered NOx emissions from regional TVA power plants.

Thank you for taking the time to
learn a little bit about my world of science. Science is fun
and full of the unknown. Albert Einstein was
accurate when he described the joy of coming out of a dark tunnel
to see some of nature's secrets. We many times travel down the
wrong path in search of nature's secrets, but some are fortunate
enough to find the correct path for a short moment and are privileged
to get a quick glimpse of some of the beautiful scientific truths.
A complete listing of publications is available.