Source: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (2006).
Thus, based on the published literature
combined with the findings from the EPA (2006), summarized ambient
air quality data provide important evidence for those vegetation
and human health clinical researchers who are applying varying
hour-by-hour O3 concentrations (i.e., triangular exposure regimes)
in their experiments. Findings reported by Lefohn et al. (2010)
continue to indicate that square-wave O3 patterns of exposure
are fairly rare under ambient conditions. The investigators found
that if one defined a "square wave" profile as experiencing
a variable range of 4 ppb or less over an 8-hour period, then
only 1.51% of all sequences (28,148) would be classified as representing
a "square wave". Thus, the results published by Hazucha
et al. (1992) and Adams (2003; 2006) suggest that the
higher hourly average concentrations elicit a greater effect
than the lower hourly average values in a non-linear manner and
that identical 8-hour average concentrations with different combinations
of hourly values will result in different FEV1 responses.
Besides controlled human health O3 laboratory
experiments, researchers have compared effects associated with
both high-concentration intermittent and low concentration-continuous
exposures in rats applying other pollutants. Liu et al. (2022)
noted that when the total amount of PM2.5 exposure was equal,
effects were more serious when high concentration-intermittent
exposures were applied than when low concentration-continuous
exposures were used. The authors noted that
Previous toxicological studies on other
air pollutants had shown similar results, including formaldehyde
and ozone. One possible explanation for these results was that
the relationship between exposure concentrations of these pollutants
and health damage did not follow a linear relationship, but was
more like an exponential one (Zhang et al., 2018; Adams, 2003;
Adams, 2006; Hazucha and Lefohn, 2007). Therefore, the high PM2.5
concentrations experienced by rats in the intermittent exposure
group would result in greater toxicity to health even if the
total PM2.5 exposure mass was the same during the exposure period
set in this experiment.
Thus, the comparative results derived from
controlled human health O3 laboratory experiments employing high-concentration
intermittent and low concentration-continuous exposures imply
that the current form (i.e., 8-hour average) ozone standard is
not necessarily the most optimum exposure metric for assessing
human health effects associated with ozone exposure (Hazucha
and Lefohn, 2007; Lefohn et al., 2010). Lefohn et al. (2010)
discussed a possible alternative form of the current 8-hour average
standard that uses an 8-hour cumulative concentration exposure
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