Photo Courtesy of Kodak
If vegetation researchers apply lower ozone concentrations
in their control chambers than those concentrations expected
to occur at areas which experience the lowest maximum hourly
average concentrations in the world, yield reductions may be
overestimated for some vegetation. This would make it difficult
to use these data to establish standards to protect vegetation
from surface ozone.
The challenge is to identify what the range of natural
background ozone concentrations is and then use this range of
concentrations to estimate vegetation effects in polluted rural
areas of North America. At one end of the spectrum, natural background
can be defined as unpolluted conditions in pre-industrial times
(i.e., absolutely unpolluted air in which there is no human interference).
For a number of reasons, this definition of natural background
is not realistic for characterizing ozone exposures to be used
as controls in vegetation research. First, we do not know with
much confidence what past unpolluted conditions were (see Tarasick
et al., 2019). Second, even if all anthropogenic emissions of
ozone precursors were eliminated, it is unlikely that ozone concentrations
in North America would return to pre-industrial levels. Since
pre-industrial times, major land use changes have occurred. It
is probable that these changes have modified the emissions of
ozone precursors from natural sources and, thus, changed the
concentrations of ozone. A third reason is that vegetation is
no longer exposed to those ozone levels that may have existed
hundreds of years ago; it is possible that vegetation has adapted
to these changed levels.
However, some scientists have used data from over 100 years
ago to compare to present levels. In the mid-1800s, surface ozone
was the focus of many scientific studies to prove its existence,
to discover its functions in the atmosphere, and to define its
role in affecting the spread of epidemics. Ozone was commonly
measured using the Schoenbein ozonoscope method. Schoenbein papers
were coated with iodide; the reaction with ozone formed iodine.
Ozone concentration was expressed as Schoenbein numbers based
on coloration of Schoenbein's test paper. Gases other than ozone
influenced the test paper. Observers were cautioned to expose
the paper away from possible sources of sulfuric acid. In addition,
the coloration tests were affected by atmospheric humidity, air
flow, other oxidants, and accidental exposure to direct sunlight.
Despite the method's limitations, starting in the mid-1800s,
more than 300 stations recorded ozone exposures in countries
such as Austria, Australia, Belgium, England, France, Germany,
Russia, and the United States. Only a few stations observed ozone
continuously for more than a few years and only data summaries
exist. Based on data evaluated, some scientists have concluded
that (1) the annual average of the daily maximum of the
surface ozone partial pressure in the Great Lakes area of North
America was approximately 0.019 ppm, and (2) the European measurements
between the 1850s and 1900 experienced annual averages
of approximately 0.017 ppm to 0.023 ppm. The authors concluded
that these values were approximately half of the mean of the
daily maximum of the observations observed during most recent
times in the same geographical regions.
Some scientists have stressed that the estimated ozone
concentrations, using the Schoenbein method, should be regarded
as approximate rather than absolute. Some have also cautioned
that many uncertainties exist when attempting to relate data
collected by the Schoenbein method with absolute ozone concentrations.
They pointed out that because of relative humidity variation
among different monitoring sites, a comparison of Schoenbein
values may not be valid.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, precise
methods for measuring ozone were not easily available. During
this period, one of the only laboratories that made quantitative
measurements of surface ozone was the Paris Municipal Observatory,
located in Park Montsouris. Beginning in 1876 and continuing
for 31 years, daily measurements were carried out. Ozone was
related to the amount of arsenite converted to arsenate, which
was measured by titration with an iodine solution. Details of
the method and data were published in the monthly and annual
bulletins of the Observatory. The method has a positive interference
when H2O2 and NO2 are present and a negative interference when
SO2 is present.
Based on a review of the data obtained using this method,
it was reported that the annual maximum at Montsouris
occurred in May-June and the minimum in November. It was reported
that the average concentration for 31 years, starting in 1876,
was approximately 0.014 ppm and showed a tendency to increase.
Further, it was also reported, using the ozone data collected
at Montsouris between 1876 and 1910, that the annual average
ranged from 0.005 to 0.016 ppm, with the average over the entire
period being 0.011 ppm.
The quality of the ozone data collected at Montsouris,
as well as other locations in the late 1800s and early 1900s,
is unclear. Therefore, any comparison of concentrations, inferred
from measurements during this period, with current concentrations
at "clean" sites should be done with great caution.
It addition, it is unknown to what extent the Montsouris data
represent ozone concentrations in Europe or the Northern Hemisphere
in the last century. It is clear that the monthly average surface
ozone concentrations in the last half of the nineteenth century
appear to be lower than those currently measured at many rural
locations in the eastern United States and Europe. For example,
the annual average concentrations estimated for Montsouris were
much lower than those calculated for 1980-1987 for the South
Pole and Point Barrow (Alaska). However, when reviewing the data,
the evidence is not conclusive that the surface ozone concentrations
measured in the last half of the nineteenth century at certain
locations in either Europe or North America are approximately
50% of those currently monitored at "clean" rural locations.
We have published information on the limitations of using the
Schoenbein method to estimate absolute historic ozone concentrations.
Please see our publications list for more
An alternative approach that has been employed is to identify
a range of ozone exposures that occur at "clean" sites
in the world. Although the sites are not free from human influence,
the ozone concentrations at these sites may be appropriate to
use as control exposures for vegetational researchers as pragmatic
and defensible surrogates for natural background levels. Note
that the maximum hourly average concentrations at some of the
most pristine sites in the world today are higher than the low
levels observed 100 years ago. Does that mean that every place
in the world today is affected by human-induced activities or
are the numbers estimated from the old measurements not reliable?
In previous years, the US EPA accepted the approach of using
remote monitoring sites in the world as a reasonable way to establish
limits on natural ozone exposures in today's world. However,
EPA has relied more recently on using chemical transport models
to estimate North American Background (NAB) or US Background
(USB) levels.
Prior to 2006, O3 measurements from remote monitoring sites
were used to estimate background. EPA (1996) estimated hourly
average summer background concentrations of 30-50 ppb and applied
a background of 40 ppb in its risk analyses. EPA (2006) cited
the work of Fiore et al. (2002, 2003), who applied the GEOS-Chem
global model to estimate a mean background concentration range
of 15-35 ppb. At that time, EPA (2006) defined North American
background (NAB) O3 to include contributions from global anthropogenic
and natural sources in the absence of North American (i.e., U.S.,
Canada, Mexico) anthropogenic emissions. The NAB level defines
that concentration or range of concentrations that EPA believes
would be experienced if the United States and other countries
in North America were to initiate a zero emissions strategy.
In other words, the concentrations define the level below which
O3 standards cannot be set. In 2013, EPA (2013) defined US background
(USB) O3 concentrations to include anthropogenic contributions
from Canada and Mexico.
As a result of its subjective definition of modeled background,
the U.S. EPA has questioned the use of remote monitoring sites
in the world as a reasonable way to establish limits on natural
ozone exposures in today's world. Based on its definition, EPA
concluded initially that background could only be estimated using
chemical transport models (CTMs). However, scientists (e.g.,
McDonald-Buller et al., 2011) concluded that empirical data at
a monitoring site at Trinidad Head, CA allowed for the characterization
of background ozone without the use of highly uncertain modeling
Although acknowledging EPA's desire to use a model to estimate,
the EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) in
August 2006 concluded that there was a large degree of uncertainty
associated with the estimates of using the model. EPA (2007)
acknowledged that the monitoring site at Trinidad Head, CA does
provide information about concentrations of ozone. Oltmans et
al. (2008) described the ozone exposures occurring at the Trinidad
Head (CA) monitoring site. It appears based on the results published
by Oltmans et al. (2008) that the chemical transport model that
EPA used for its estimates for risk assessments for ozone was
unable to account for the numerous occurrences of hourly average
concentrations greater than or equal to 0.05 ppm measured. The
percentile distribution of the hourly
average concentrations and the top 10 8-hour
average daily maximum concentrations for Trinidad Head are
available for review.
A.S.L. & Associates has performed research on identifying
background ozone levels since 1989, when we were requested to
"identify natural background ozone" for the National
Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP). State of Science
Report Number 7 for NAPAP summarized our results and we published
our findings in the peer-review literature (please see publication
In July 1999, a Harvard University
research group published a peer-reviewed paper (Geophysical Research
Letters 26:2175-2178) that predicted that the long-range
transport of ozone from Asia would increase background ozone
levels in the western and eastern U.S. Papers by Oltmans et
al. (1998, 2006, 2013) did not indicate that ozone was increasing
at the cleanest sites in the world for previous years. In addition,
using a moving 15-year trends analysis, Lefohn et al. (2010)
and Oltmans et al. (2013) indicated that O3 trends at sites in
the westen U.S. did not appear to illustrate current increases
in surface O3 levels and that in some cases, early trend patterns
that showed increases were no longer showing such patterns. However,
other researchers (e.g., please see papers cited in Cooper et
al., 2012) believe that long-range transport from Asia is enhancing
O3 concentrations in the western US, as well as possibly other
locations across the US. For areas east of the Intermountain
West, Lin et al. (2012) reported that Asian emissions have minimal
impact on surface ozone concentrations. Our most recent trending
results indicate that inconsistencies exist in the hypothesis
that long-range transport from Asia is causing the increases
in ozone concentrations in the western US. At several
monitoring sites in the western US, surface O3 is not increasing
(Lefohn et al., 2017). In addition
to long-range transport from Asia, surface ozone is enhanced
from natural stratospheric sources (Mathur et al., 2022). Mathur
et al. (2022) noted that background O3 across the continental
United States is composed of a sizable and spatially variable
fraction that is of stratospheric origin (29%-78%). Wang et al.
(2020) reported that the stratospheric influence on summertime
high surface O3 events makes a significant contribution to the
surface O3 variability where background surface O3 exceeds the
95th percentile, especially over western U.S. Lin et al. (2012),
using the AM3 model, estimated that western US spring and early
summer background O3 is routinely elevated by stratospheric O3
with STT-S contributing more than O3 generated from Asian emissions.
Similar findings were reported by Ambrose et al. (2011) for the
Mount Bachelor area in Oregon. The results reported in Lefohn
et al. (2014) support the Lin et al. (2012) findings. Langford
et al. (2009) has reported deep STT contributing to high surface
O3 using lidar and surface measurements from the Front Range
of the Colorado Rocky Mountains during the 1999 O3 season (March-October).
Their results showed that the stratospheric source was not only
significant but could directly lead to exceedances of the 2008
U.S. NAAQS standards in a major metropolitan area.
For over 30 years, we have
had an on-going research effort to better understand the range
and frequency of occurrence of background ozone levels that may
not be affected by emission reduction strategies. In 2001, we
published a peer-reviewed paper
authored by the research team of Allen Lefohn, Samuel Oltmans,
Tom Dann, and Hanwant Singh. In that paper, we analyzed hourly
average ozone concentrations greater than or equal to 0.05 ppm
and 0.06 ppm that were experienced during the photochemically
quiescent months in the winter and spring at several rural sites
across southern Canada, the northern United States, and northern
Europe. Our results were mostly consistent and indicated that
hourly average ozone concentrations greater than or equal to
0.05 ppm and 0.06 ppm occurred frequently during the winter and
spring months. Most occurrences were during April and May but
sometimes as late as June. In some, but not all, of the cases
that were studied, a plausible explanation for the higher ozone
values was the presence of upper tropospheric and stratospheric
air that was transported down to the surface. The ozone monitoring
sites investigated in the US were Denali National Park (Alaska),
Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming), Glacier National Park (Montana),
and Voyageurs National Park (Minnesota). In the paper, we noted
that the relative contribution of the stratosphere to tropospheric
ozone is important because policymakers have promulgated surface
ozone standards in the United States and Canada at such levels
that exceedances might occur as a result of episodic, naturally
occurring events that cannot be significantly altered by implementing
emission reduction strategies. Although modeling results have
been published questioning our conclusions (e.g., Fiore et al.,
2003) about the importance of stratospheric ozone in affecting
surface-level ozone concentrations, we believe that there are
limitations to the models to adequately quantify the importance
of stratospheric-tropospheric exchange (STE) processes that result
in enhanced ozone concentrations occurring during the spring
months across the US. Our published article on the subject (Lefohn
et al., 2014) used adjusted GEOS-Chem model to estimate background
O3. We are found that the adjusted background estimates from
GEOS-Chem provided a much more realistic estimate of background
O3. Our research results (Lefohn et al., 2011, 2012, 2014) continue
to support our previous conclusions (Lefohn et al., 2001) about
the importance of stratospheric-tropospheric exchange processes
in affecting surface ozone concentrations at both high- and low-elevation
monitoring sites across the US.
Lefohn et al. (2014) characterized
the percent contribution from background O3 to the total O3 observed
at the Yellowstone National Park site in Wyoming, as well as
22 other locations across the US. The authors reported that the
contribution of background O3 at the site in Wyoming was very
large (i.e., generally greater than 80-90% of the total O3).
The highest O3 concentrations at the site appeared to be associated
with stratospheric intrusions.
There is a substantial background
of ozone present in the lower troposphere in the Northern Hemisphere
that has a stratospheric origin. As indicated above, there has
been considerable debate over the past several years on the importance
of stratospheric ozone in contributing to surface ozone concentrations.
Models (e.g., GEOS-CHEM) have been exercised and appear to illustrate
that stratospheric ozone is not important for influencing background
ozone monitoring sites. Empirical evidence shows that stratospheric
contributions to surface O3 is important (Lefohn et al.,
2001; Cooper et al., 2005; see Lefohn et al., 2014 for
list of additional publications) at both high- and low-elevation
sites. Chemical transport models, such as GEOS-CHEM, have great
uncertainty associated with their predictions and are not able
to successfully reproduce the temporal changes in hour-by-hour
concentrations (Goldstein et al., 2004). Our research results and the published
results of others continue to support our previous conclusions
(Lefohn et al., 2001) about the importance of stratospheric-tropospheric
exchange processes in affecting surface ozone concentrations
at both high- and low-elevation monitoring sites across the US.
In late September 2009, the National
Research Council released the report, Global Sources of Local
Pollution. In the report, the Committee stated that modeling
and analysis supports the finding that background O3 (i.e, policy-relevant
background) is 20-40 ppb for the United States. The NRC report
noted that the discussion by Lefohn, Oltmans, Dann, and Singh
(2001) that occurrences of hourly average concentrations associated
with background O3 are higher than the level indicated in the
NRC report and that the NRC believed that the levels reported
by Lefohn et al. (2001) were associated either with high-elevation
sites or with more distant North American pollution. The conclusions
in the NRC report were unfortunately inaccurate. Since 2001,
when we published the Lefohn et al. (2001) paper, evidence has
been published in the peer-review literature indicating the importance
of stratospheric O3 in enhancing observed ozone surface concentrations
at both high- and low-elevation monitoring sites. As indicated
above, we believe the GEOS-Chem model did not adequately handle
the stratosphere and that it is possible to adjust the GEOS-Chem
model to obtain a much better esstimate of background O3 (see
Lefohn et al., 2014). In addition, our research on background
O3, using empirical data, indicates that levels are higher than
20-40 ppb at some sites in the United States. Our research is
continuing on this matter and current results published in the
peer-review literature support our previous conclusions that
hourly levels greater than or equal to 50 ppb occur more frequently
as a result from natural sources than models suggest. One of
our research papers on background ozone (Oltmans et al., 2010)
discusses the importance of Eurasian biomass burning and how
it influences background ozone concentrations in the US.
Properly defining the range of hourly average ozone concentrations
associated with background is important because if the United
States and other countries were to initiate a zero anthropogenic
emissions strategy to achieve low-level ozone standards, unanticipated
exceedances associated with natural background would occur. The
range of background concentrations define the level below which
ozone standards cannot be practicably established. In its 1996
ozone review, the EPA used 0.04 ppm in its health risk assessment
evaluations as the level it predicted as background for an 8-hr
daily maximum concentration for clean sites. In its review of
the ozone standard in 2006 (U.S. EPA, 2006), the EPA used a model
with great uncertainty to define ranges of concentrations for
background that were much lower than the 0.04 ppm level applied
in 1996. At a monitoring site at Trinidad Head, California, which
experiences numerous conditions that meet the definition of background,
occurrences of hourly average concentrations greater than or
equal to 0.05 ppm are measured. For further information, please
click here.
Ambrose, J.L., Reidmiller, D.R., Jaffe, D.A. (2011). Causes
of high O3 in the lower free troposphere over the Pacific Northwest
as observed at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory. Atmospheric Environment
45, 5302-5315.
Cooper, O.R.; A. Stohl; G. Hübler; E.Y. Hsie; D.D.
Parrish; A.F. Tuck; G.N. Kiladis; S.J. Oltmans; B.J. Johnson;
M. Shapiro; J.L. Moody; A.S. Lefohn. (2005) Direct transport
of mid-latitude stratospheric ozone into the lower troposphere
and marine boundary layer of the tropical Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys.
Res., 110, D23310, doi:10.1029/2005JD005783.
Cooper, O.R., Gao, R.S., Tarasick, D., Leblanc, T., Sweeney,
C. (2012) Long-term ozone trends at rural ozone monitoring sites
across the United States, 1990-2010. Journal of Geophysical Research
117 D22307, doi:10.1029/2012JD018261.
Fiore, A. M., Jacob, D.J., Bey, I., Yantosca, R.M., Field,
B.D., Fusco, A.C., Wilkinson, J.G. (2002) Background ozone over
the United States in summer: Origin, trend, and contribution
to pollution episodes. Journal of Geophysical Research 107(D15),
4275, doi:10.1029/2001JD000982.
Fiore, A., Jacob, D.J., Liu, H., Yantosca, R.M., Fairlie,
T.D., Li, Q. (2003) Variability in surface ozone background over
the United States: Implications for air quality policy. Journal
of Geophysical Research 108 (D24), 4787, doi:10.1029/2003JD003855.
Goldstein, A. H.; Millet, D. B.; McKay, M.; Jaegle, L.;
Horowitz, L.; Cooper, O.; Hudman, R.; Jacob, D. J.; Oltmans,
S.; Clarke, A. (2004) Impact of Asian emissions on observations
at Trinidad Head, California, during ITCT 2K2. J. Geophys. Res.
109, D23S17, doi:10.1029/2003JD004406.
Langford, A.O., Aikin, K.C., Eubank, C.S., Williams, E.J.
(2009). Stratospheric contribution to high surface ozone in Colorado
during springtime. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L12801.
Lefohn A.S., Oltmans S.J. , Dann
T. , and Singh H.B. (2001) Present-day variability of background
ozone in the lower troposphere. J. Geophys. Res., 106 (D9):9945-9958.
Lefohn, A. S., Shadwick, D., Oltmans,
S. J. (2010). Characterizing changes of surface ozone levels
in metropolitan and rural areas in the United States for 1980-2008
and 1994-2008. Atmospheric Environment. 44:5199-5210.
Lefohn, A.S., Wernli, H., Shadwick,
D., Limbach, S., Oltmans, S.J., Shapiro, M. (2011) The importance
of stratospheric-tropospheric transport in affecting surface
ozone concentrations in the Western and Northern Tier of the
United States. Atmospheric Environment 45, 4845-4857.
Lefohn, A.S., Wernli, H., Shadwick,
D., Oltmans, S.J., Shapiro, M. (2012) Quantifying the frequency
of stratospheric-tropospheric transport affecting enhanced surface
ozone concentrations at high- and low-elevation monitoring sites
in the United States. Atmospheric Environment 62, 646-656.
Lefohn, A.S., Emery, C., Shadwick,
D., Wernli, H., Jung, J., Oltmans, S.J. (2014) Estimates of Background
Surface Ozone Concentrations in the United States Based on Model-Derived
Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Environment.
Lefohn, A.S., Malley, C.S., Simon,
H., Wells. B., Xu, X., Zhang, L., Wang, T., 2017. Responses of
human health and vegetation exposure metrics to changes in ozone
concentration distributions in the European Union, United States,
and China. Atmospheric Environment 152: 123-145. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.025.
Lin, M., Fiore, A.M., Cooper, O.R.,
Horowitz, L.W., Langford, A.O., Levy II, H., Johnson, B.J., Naik,
V., Oltmans, S.J., Senff, C.J. (2012). Springtime high surface
ozone events over the western United States: Quantifying the
role of stratospheric intrusions. Journal of Geophysical Research
117, D00V22, doi:10.1029/2012JD018151.
Mathur, R., Kang, D., Napelenok,
S.L., Xing, J., Hogrefe, C., Sarwar, G., et al. (2022). How have
divergent global emission trends influenced long-range transported
ozone to North America? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
127, e2022JD036926.
McDonald-Buller, E.C., Allen, D.T.,
Brown, N., Jacob, D.J., Jaffe, D., Kolb, C.E., Lefohn, A.S.,
Oltmans, S., Parrish, D.D., Yarwood, G., Zhang, L. (2011) Establishing
policy relevant background (PRB) ozone concentrations in the
United States. Environmental Science & Technology 45, doi:10.1021/es2022918,
Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Scheel
H. E., Harris J. M., Levy H. II, Galbally I. E. , Brunke E. G.,
Meyer C. P., Lathrop J. A., Johnson B. J., Shadwick D. S., Cuevas
E., Schmidlin F.J ., Tarasick D. W., Claude H., Kerr J. B., Uchino
O., and Mohnen V. (1998) Trends of Ozone in the Troposphere.
Geophysical Research Letters. 25:139-142.
Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Harris
J. M., Galbally I., Scheel H. E., Bodeker G., Brunke E., Claude
H., Tarasick D., Johnson B.J., Simmonds P., Shadwick D., Anlauf
K., Hayden K., Schmidlin F., Fujimoto T., Akagi K., Meyer C.,
Nichol S., Davies J., Redondas A., and Cuevas E. (2006) Long-term
changes in tropospheric ozone. Atmospheric Environment. 40:3156-3173.
Oltmans S. J., Lefohn A. S., Harris J. M. and Shadwick
D. (2008) Background ozone levels of air entering the west coast
of the U.S. and assessment of longer-term changes. Atmospheric
Environment. 42:6020-6038.
Oltmans, S.J., Lefohn, A.S., Harris,
J.M., Tarasick, DW., Thompson, AM., Wernli, H., Johnson, B.J.,
Novelli, P.C., Montzka, S.A., Ray, J.D., Patrick, L.C., Sweeney,
C., Jefferson, A., Dann, T., Davies, J., Shapiro, M., Holben,
B.N. (2010). Enhanced ozone over western North America from biomass
burning in Eurasia during April 2008 as seen in surface and profile
observations. Atmospheric Environment. 44:4497-4509.
Oltmans, S.J., Lefohn, A.S.,
Shadwick, D., Harris, J.M., Scheel, H.-E., Galbally, I., Tarasick,
D.A., Johnson, B.J., Brunke, E., Claude, H., Zeng, G., Nichol,
S., Schmidlin, F., Redondas, A., Cuevas, E., Nakano, T., Kawasato,
T. (2013). Recent Tropospheric Ozone Changes - A Pattern Dominated
by Slow or No Growth. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.10.057.
67: 331-351.
Tarasick et al. (2019). Tropospheric
Ozone Assessment Report: Tropospheric ozone from 1877 to 2016,
observed levels, trends and uncertainties. Elementa: Science
of the Anthropocene. 7:39.
US Environmental Protection
Agency (1996) Review of National Ambient Air Quality Standards
for Ozone - Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information,
OAQPS Staff Paper. EPA-452/R-96-007, Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. June 1996. US Environmental
Protection Agency.
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (2006) Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical
Oxidants. Research Triangle Park, NC: Office of Research and
Development; EPA/600/R-05/004af. February.
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (2007) Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
for Ozone: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information
OAQPS Staff Paper. Research Triangle Park, NC: Office of Air
Quality and Planning and Standards, EPA-452/R-07-003. January.
US Environmental Protection
Agency (2013) Integrated Science Assessment for Ozone and Related
Photochemical Oxidants. EPA/600/R-10/076F. Research Triangle
Park, NC: Office of Research and Development. February.
Wang, X., Wu, Y., Randel,
W., Tilmes, S. (2020). Stratospheric contribution to the summertime
high surface ozone events over the western united states. Environ.
Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 1040a6.
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